34- Going Home

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I woke up at 9:30am, since I went to sleep at 11:40 I wasn’t tired. I carefully took Matts arm off of me and placed it back on the bed. I got up and walked into Emily’s kitchen; Nash was in there on his phone.

 “Hey, are you the only one up?” I asked him and he looked up off his phone and smiled. “Yeah, everyone’s  sleeping, I have been up for an hour.”

“Want to help me clean up?” I asked him and he grabbed a garbage bag and we started to pick up all the cups and random garbage laying around.

“Where did you two go off to last night? You went up pretty early.” Nash said and winked at me.

 “I was actually so tired so I went up to go to sleep, that’s it. But I was talking to Matt about everything that happened and its affecting him harder than I thought.” I frowned.

 “Yeah, he has always been sensitive with things, he just doesn’t show it often. I guess he’s scared of getting judged.”   Nash answered and I frowned. “Oh”

Nash noticed my uneasiness on this topic and he walked over and hugged me tightly.

“I’m always her if you need to talk, about anything, ill listen.” Nash smiled and rubbed my back.

 “Thanks Nash, I feel out of the boys besides Matt, I trust you the most.” I smiled and got back to work.

“You know we are leaving tonight at 9.” I stated

 “REALLY?! This went by so quick. What time are we leaving?”


After we finished cleaning up I searched through Emily’s pantry to find something to eat.

 “Can you wake everyone up. I’m going to run to Starbucks to get something to eat. I’ll bring you guys back stuff.” I told Nash and he ran up the stairs.

 I got in my car and drove into Starbucks. I bought cookies, bagels and scones and I got myself a drink.

I walked back into Emily’s house and everyone was in the kitchen talking and discussing what we would do in Cali.

 I put the bag on the table and turned it over dumping all the food out.

“Shit, that’s a lot.” Maya said grabbing a scone.  I grabbed a cookie and stood beside Matt. “Emily are you coming back with us? You can live with us, we have a spare room.” I smiled and she nodded her head and ran upstairs to I guess book a plane ticket.







A couple hours later we were packed and ready to go. I already rushed over to my parents and said goodbye.

 Once we passed security and everything we sat waiting at the terminal to board the plane.


 I was still so tired from yesterday; I was sleeping on Cameron’s lap as he was playing with my hair and staring at me. “I love you so muuuuuuuuch” He smiled and kissed my nose. “I know you do Cameron. I love you too babe.” I sat up and hugged him tight and kissed him quickly.

 It was fun spending time with Justine and Maya and their family. Seeing where they grew up and what they do. Vancouver isn’t as boring as Justine said it was, I actually had fun.


 Kenzi and I were walking to get a bottle of water leaving the others sitting at the terminal. “How was your sleep Kenz?” I asked.

 “Good, good. I’m still sore though babe.” She said and I hugged her as we were walking. “Im sorry.” I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek softly.

We got water and started to walk back. “You know Justine’s still affected by everything that they went through, she talked to me in the morning.” I explained.

 “What they went through is something I will never understand how they got through and how they are so strong. Everything happens to them and it was breaking them. When they are together they are stronger so let’s pray to god they will be together for a long time.” She said to me.

This was so true, how do Justine and Matt take their personal problems and the social media problems all the time and still look strong and keep everything together.

 “I feel so bad for what I said to Justine, Nash.” She said and I frowned.

 “Babe, trust me she forgives you. I know you didn’t mean it, it just slipped.” I side hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “Just go talk to her right now.”


 I walked over to Justine who was on her phone leaning her head against Matt. “Justine can I talk to you for a sec?” I asked and she smiled and got up.

 At least she smiled, that’s a start right. I am actually so scared.

“Whats up?” She asked me.

 “I just wanted to apologize for what I said a couple days ago. I didn’t mean it at all; I was just caught up in everything and im so sorry.” I said looking at her. She hugged me tightly and I sighed in relief. “Don’t worry Kenz, I forgive you.”


 We sat in the chair for a good thirty minutes waiting to be boarded onto the plane. We all stood up and walked towards the doors. Gisel and Cameron were with Shawn and I, Nash and Kenzi were with Justine and Matthew.

 Once we got settled in our sheets I laid my head on Shawns shoulder and closed my eyes. I was tired but I couldn’t fall asleep.

 Once we took off Shawn was playing with my finger as I was blasting Drake in my ears. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

Vancouver was fun, now back to California.

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