13 - Alone

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I was lying in my bed listening to sad, sappy music thinking about everything. I wonder how Matt is doing. I grabbed my phone off my night stand. 'Hey babe.' I sent it and set my phone back down. I glanced outside and took in the aroma. The waves were crashing and the kids were making sandcastles. Couples were running away from the waves. I laid eyes on a cute couple. He was carrying his girlfriend I'm assuming towards the water while she was kicking and hitting his back because I guess she didn't want to be in the water. A tear rolled down my eye as I realized I was alone at this moment. Ring ring. My phone went off

"Hello?" I answered "Hello?" A girl answered, probably his cousin. "Hey justine?" She said. "Yeah that's me. What's up? How's everything and everyone, how's matthew?" I asked "he told me to call you on his phone. Well everything's fine but she's getting worse and she looks weak. Matt has been non-stop crying and I don't know what to do. What should I do. I know I don't know you well because this is the first time we have ever talked but you know him enough to know what makes him happy." She asked me. I smiled and thought. "Just pass him the phone" I waited until she passed him the phone. "Hey babe. Whats up?" He said. I smiled to myself. "Hey Matt, is everything okay? You've been crying I can hear it in your voice. Just tell me what's wrong." I sad sadly. I wanted to comfort Matt. He needs it right now. I felt so bad I wanted to cry. "Everything is wrong. Why does life have to be so cruel. I got hate on twitter yesterday saying she deserves to die because I'm worthless. I'm starting to believe them Justine, I don't know what to do." He said and cried through the phone. I started I tear up. He's killing my emotions. "'Matt remember when you told me you would be there for me when the hate would get to me and you were there for me. You make me so happy, why aren't you happy. What can I do to make you feel a bit better. I know it's hard seeing your loved one so week and it kills you inside because you can't do anything about it. Babe remember I'm here for you. You can tell me what ever you want." I said. I hope Matt realizes that I'm here for him. "I don't know Justine, I know you're hurting inside too because of me. I don't know if we can work out. I don't know if I'm coming back. I don't know if my moms going to be okay. I don't know anything. I don't get it. Just live your life without me. You will be happier with out me causing all this pain. I'm sorry but I can't be with you anymore." I started crying in my hands. "Matt please, I'm fine we'll get through this babe... please" I cried harder. He couldn't just end it because he was hurting me. I can't live with out him, I don't know what I'm going to do. "I'm sorry Justine, tell the others that I'm staying in Virginia." He said and his voice cracked. My vision was blurry and I was shaking. "Goodbye justine, I'll always love you." He said and hung up. I collapsed on the hard wood floor in front of my bed. Sobbing into my hands. My body was shaking; this was worse than the first time. why would he do this.


The girls and I were trying to get Justine out of the house. I honestly don't understand what Matt was thinking. A couple years ago she was her happiness, her smile on her face everyday. Now he's tearing her apart. She has never broken down this bad. We try to comfort her but she just shuts us out and she won't talk about it. Yesterday Matt called us, his mom passed away. He was broken, they were broken. I understand it was hard for him to keep a relationship going with all the drama going on, but he shouldn't of ended it with the person that means the most to him.

I walked up the wooden stairs and turned to my room. The guys were on your right now in New York so it was a girls weekend. It was Saturday, it had been a week and a couple of days since I have seen Justine out of the house. She's miserable. I walked in my room to grab my vans so I could go to Walmart and get some food. Everything was quiet until I heard sobs across my room. Of course. Justine was still crying. It tore me apart at how heartbroken she was. I wonder how Matts doing. Cameron called him 4 days ago and he said Matt didn't sound the same. That he sounded different, he was sad.

I walked knocked on her door and it opened a crack. I saw her leaning against her bed with headphones in her ear listening I music as tears were falling down her face. She saw me in the door way and his her face in her pillows lying down facing the bed.

"You probably don't want to talk right now but just listen to me..." I started. I was rubbing her back softly as I was speaking.

" don't get so worked up about this. Your to good to be depressed. Matts a good guy and you guys were perfect. Just give him time, he's going through a lot. I'll try and convince him to come back but right now I don't know what he's thinking. Have you heard the news about his mom? Well she passed away yesterday. Matt called us and told us he said he called you but you didn't answer. He still wants to talk to you, he's still your friend. Don't push him away. Don't push me or the girls away we are just trying to help you." I finished and she sobbed through her pillow. I left her and walked towards the door. "I'm going to Walmart I'll be back later." I screamed so they knew. I hope she feels better


I was a mess. The funeral was in 2 days. All I wanted was Justine. I shouldn't of ended it she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't move back to California though, I don't want to leave my dad or my brothers. I want her back so bad and I was so stupid.

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