21 - Escape

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Justine's P.O.V

I was lying on Matt's chest and I opened my eyes. I watched the waves crash and roll back on the sand. It was soothing my pounding headache. Great, a hangover; hopefully this one wasn't going to be too bad. I bet Maya and Shawn have it the worst because they were doing crazy crap all throughout the night, which they would never of done. I laughed at myself and smiled remembering the funny moments we had at the party last night and the great moment Matt and I had. He's amazing, I hope we keep our relationship going. Honestly I don't picture myself with anyone else.

I moved my body and kissed Matts cheek softly so he would hopefully wake up. He woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning babe." He said. "How is your head?" I asked. "Not too bad, yours?" "It's fine, I can handle it, what do you want to do today?"

"We should drive up to the mountains and camp. It would be so fun, just chilling and enjoying each other's company." He said and I smiled. I liked the idea of going camping so I texted everyone else and they also thought it was a good idea.

Matt and I took a shower, together. We got out and changed and started packing. We were only going to go there for a day, so like a road trip/chill day kind of thing. I am actually really excited for this, I wonder what we are going to do. Late night swimming, I think yes.


Cameron went back to pack since he didn't have any clothes here that he wanted to bring. I ran to Justine's room and peaked in the room. "Shit sorry, I should have knocked." I said awkwardly. They just got out of the shower and had nothing on. I ran back to my room and shut my door. I mentally slapped myself for walking in on them. I tried to forget everything by blasting Hoodie Allen and I started to pack again.

The doorbell rang and I rushed down the stairs and opened the door to see Cameron. I greeted him with a kiss and we sat on the couch watching tv, waiting for the others to get downstairs. Most of them threw their bags down the stairs so that I guess Cameron and I had to put in the cars. We were going to take two cars since there wasn't enough room. The seats were all going to be full because Emily and Taylor were coming with us too.


I hoped they don't mind that we are coming. I haven't really gotten to know the other guys since I moved here or Justine's friends. Taylor pulled in and I got out. He grabbed my hand and I smiled up at him and held his arm tightly. Shawn answered the door and let us in. I smiled at him and ran up to find Maya or Justine. I knocked at Mayas door and she looked like she was trying to find out what to wear.

"Hey Maya, need help?" I asked and walked over to her closet. "Something black?" I asked her giggling. "Of course." She replied. I walked in and faced towards her sweaters and such hanging in front of me. I tossed her black high-waisted shorts, a white cropped top and a black and white flannel. She thanked me and went to change. I went downstairs and sat by Taylor. He kissed my cheek and rubbed my hand.

"Do you know where Justine is?" I asked, hoping he would know where she is. He told me she was in the garage getting everything together. I got up and walked towards the garage door and opened it revealing Matt and Justine kissing each other in the middle of the room. I cleared my throat and they looked at me. "Hey em, want to help?" She asked awkwardly biting her lip. I smiled and helped them with all the equipment.

Once everything was packed in the car, we drove off towards the camp site where we would spend the night.


We pulled up to our little flat area near this lake. The lake looked clean but it wasn't perfectly clear. I haven't been camping in a long time and I was excited to roast marshmallows. After the tents were set up the sun was starting to set. We cooked dinner and ate. After that we started to get our sticks out to roast marshmallows.

We started to play a game of truth or dare. It was my turn to ask someone. "Taylor truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He replied.

"I dare you scream 'Cock' really loud." I said. He did it no problem. Next time ill give him something harder to do so its more of a challenge.

Justine got dared to roll in this muddy part of the grass until she was covered. It was disgusting cause the dirt was all over her. Maya had to jump in the lake and now it was Emily's turn to get asked.

"Truth or Dare?" Nash asked her.

"Dare." She replied and Nash smirked.

"I dare you to skinny dip in the lake, but further down. So if we get caught they cant find us." He said and she just sat there saying nothing. She got up and walked towards the lake. She took her clothes off as we turned around and jumped in the water. We cheered for her and she said it was freezing.


"Guys lets all go in!" Cameron screamed and he stripped down and jumped in with Gisel following him. I was up to do it I just wanted to make sure Justine wanted to as well. I looked at her for her opinion. She blankly stared at me with a questioning look. She started to take her top off so I guess that meant she wanted too. We stripped down and we swam towards everyone else. It was freezing and I am sure Justine felt the same way. I could still touch the ground but Justine couldn't. I grabbed her waist and rubbed her lower back holding her so she was above the water. Her eyes glistened from the light of the moon and she was beautiful. I kissed her unexpectedly and she kissed me back wrapping her arms around my neck and I picked her up so her legs wrapped around my waist.

"Guys there are people coming; we are going to get busted." Shawn whispered amongst us. We got out quickly.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THERE?" The officer asked from the other side of the beach area. We quickly ran off laughing and we sat back down around the fire. We were all soaked and we just wanted to dry off. I went back in the tent to change into dry clothes and I grabbed another hoodie and sweats for Justine to change into. She thanked me and put them on and we sat back down with the others.

After a couple more ours of talking and laughing around the fire we decided to go to sleep. Everyone (couples) got their own tents. So Justine and I had a tent to ourselves. Honestly, I just want to sleep. I hope she does too. Justine went in the tent thirty minutes before we shut the fire down. I carefully unzipped the tent and laid down beside her. I grabbed her hand and it was really cold. I grabbed another blanket and wrapped it around us. I put my hands in her sweater and rubbed up and down her stomach so she would warm up. She woke and smiled at me. My hands stayed resting on her bare stomach. "I love you babe. Goodnight." I said and kissed her.

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