Thirty- Two

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Ricky's POV

I wake up to bright lights shinning in my face, I immediately close them again groaning from pain. "Hey... you're up" I hear my mother say, I slowly open my eyes again and look to my right to see my mom and dad sitting next to my bed.

"Wh-what happened?" I rasp, my throat corse and dry from not talking for god knows how long. "You and the boys were in a car crash"  my mom says slowly as she sits on my bed, while my dad calls for a nurse. "I-I how long was I out?" I ask and try to sit up, but am overcome with pain.

"Woah... take it easy. You broke your arm, wrist and three fingers, as well and your ankle and leg." She says and my eyes go wide, I look down to see my left arm in a cast, as well and my right wrist and fingers, and a cast on my leg.

"You were out for almost three days, you guys got here five days ago, but you were in and out of it for the first two days, which I'm assuming you don't remember." my dad says walking back in the room with a nurse and I'm assuming the doctor. "Hey Ricky, how you feeling?" The doctor asks, check my eyes and heartbeat, "uh, well considering what just happened, I'm just happy to be alive" I say in disbelief.

"I know, it's a lot to take in. But we assure you that you are in the best care possible" the doc says, writing some things down in what is most likely my chart. "Liam? How's Liam?" I ask barley remembering what happened, "he's doing just fine, he just has a broken arm and nose." The doc says and I sigh in relief.

Then my mind drifts to someone, that someone being the most important person to me. "Emery! How's my love?" I ask even more worried as I sit up quickly. The doctor just looks at me and sighs, "now isn't the best time to discuss Emery. We need to focus on you." He says.

"No! I don't give a rats ass about me! How is Emery, is he okay?!" I demand starting to become overwhelmed with panic and anger. "He's, he's in a coma. He sustained serious injuries to his head, and has had some internal bleeding. He has several broken bones, we can't be sure how serious his condition is until he wakes up, if he wakes up."

Just then everything in me just shuts down, I block out everyone and everything. I cannot believe this is happening, just last week we went on a really nice trip to the beach, as a band and best friends, now we're in the hospital and Emery might not even wake up.

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