Forty ➵ J. C

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A month had passed.
Nothing has changed much, except the
grass got greener, more flowers were sprouting in the air, Chip grew bigger than before, and my relationship with Shawn was adapting into a stronger bond everyday like always.
Nature was finally taking in the rendition of taking it's course.
However, it wasn't a positive thing in my life. As time drew closer, it was intense and stressful thinking about the letter. I had a month to finalize my decision, and I didn't even know what to do yet.
Ever since I told Shawn about my job, he's been there with me. I was now working four hour shifts since it was after school. He walked me home since it was still a major concern of his for my safety. He tried his best for nothing to provoke that.
And Shawn's parents were not helping.
Since his dad was hazy on even finding a job, and with his mom still holding grudges against every little thing he did because of it, their arguments were heating up everyday. It was like matches getting pulled out and lighting their quarrels into bigger ones.
"Ignore them, it'll be okay." Shawn assured me, not wanting me to be upset. He knew how nerve wrecking I was when it came to that.
We headed to school that day and I couldn't help but feel more overwhelmed. This all started in Mr. Turner's class.
"Okay class. Tomorrow is Career Day for parents. Have them come in and rant about their careers that may interest the potential in each individual in this classroom. Any questions?" Mr. Turner assigned.
Shawn and I shared a glance with each other, both thinking the same thought.
It would be roughly accountable for Shawn's dad to initially talk about his job since he didn't even have one.
So, we came to the conclusion we wouldn't tell him or his mom about it.
But that wasn't all.
At lunch, surrounding me was the girl's talking about their fathers. How they all had careers.
"Jasmine, what's your father like?" Trinie asked me. Since Topanga was the only one out of this table who knew, I just stared down at the table.
"You okay Jas?" Dawn was concerned, as she could read the expression on my face.
"You know, um. I'm not hungry. I gotta go." I stood up from my seat and didn't even bother taking my tray away.
My mind pondered me with those tragic, terrifying memories. It struck me with a pain that felt so real.
I found myself tearing up, burying myself deep into my hands, not wanting to see the world. Right now, I preferred seeing that pitch blackness every time you closed your eyes.
I was by myself until I felt two, strong arms had mine meet with theirs.
Those familiar hands rubbing down my back in the midst of comforting me in a special way no one could ever. I knew it was Shawn.
"Please don't cry." He whispered. I could tell he was struck with pain too.
In this moment, we were able to relate to each other in this way. Having no parents who couldn't come to Career Day.
It was horrible.
When we got home from school that day, Shawn and I decided to go out on a date to get our minds off of it.
I took the day off work due to this stressful, anticipating day.
"I don't want tomorrow to come." I first said to Shawn, who wrapped his arm around me in hopes of comfort.
"I know, Jas. But it'll all be okay. We've got each other." He reminded, as he got a hold of my hand. I just gazed down at the table for a while, until he got my attention by taking his hands, and cupping my face with them.
Our eyes locked, with him kissing me on the lips. Once we pulled away, our food had been ready.
We hadn't said anything furthermore until we made it back to the trailer.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked me, wrapping an arm around my waist.
I sniffed.
"Yeah," I tried to assure him with a smile as I looked up at him,"I'm okay."
Shawn formed the same expression as me, then opened the door and we headed inside. We were greeted by a now jolly, cheerful Chip who at the sight of us, stood up and tried to tower us with a hug.
"Aww. Thanks for the welcoming, Chip." I acknowledged his kind gesture as he pattered me with slobbery, wet kisses from his tongue.
He got back down and headed to the chair to lay there. We walked in the door just in time cause the phone rang.
"I'll get it." Shawn offered, heading to the phone.
He remained silent as he listened to the phone, then took it off his ear.
"It's Topanga. She wants to talk to you." He informed, and I took the phone from him.
"Jasmine! Are you okay? I'm sorry about the topic we were discussing today. I didn't tell them about it, about the events." Topanga said nonchalantly, yet concerned.
"I'm okay.. thank you."
"Okay, good."
We chatted on the phone about random gossip for a while then I was done. When I went to bed that night, I heard yelling from across the other room.
I wished for them to stop fighting so much. It was stressing me out, and after that episode I had from earlier today. It was hard trying to sleep. It was like an endless battling war as I heard them fighting. Fortunately I faced it through Shawn, who I felt bad for. He probably dealt with this all the time when he was younger.
Hearing things what he shouldn't be hearing. Since Shawn was snoring loudly, I took that as a sign that he was sleeping. So, pulling the drawer open, I got out my letter. I headed out in the living room to read over it, thinking about the school. Maybe it was time to tell Shawn. Maybe I could tell Topanga. Even Cory. Slipping it in my backpack and zipping it up, I headed back to bed and couldn't help but think of it the entire night through.
The next morning came to me in astonishment. I was expecting there to be another fight. A quarrel to impact the day again. But Shawn's mother was acting the way she was compared to before. After I got dressed into a cute, yet not so fancy dress, I came to find her cooking in the kitchen.
She prepared us for school with a big, heavy breakfast. It was loaded with pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, and toast.
"Eat up guys. I thought you guys would like a nice breakfast to have since I haven't made it in a while." She admitted. I studied her expression and I could tell she felt guilty.
"Mom, it's okay." Shawn assured in a husky voice. He didn't like seeing grim expressions on his parents faces. Neither did I.
I hugged her, assuring her that it was okay. That we understood the situation. That we were still there no matter what. After filling our stomached with this nutritious breakfast, it was time to leave.
"Guys, give me a kiss?" She requested. Shawn and I both planted each a kiss on her cheek, causing her to smile.
"I love you guys." I heard her mumble under her breath. This was strange..
Just then Shawn's dad came out of the bedroom. Oh boy...
"I'm going to be out of town for a little while. I don't know when I'll be back." He announced to us. I glanced over from Shawn to his mom, then noticed he stormed out of the trailer with me following him.
"Shawn!" I called after him, fortunately halting in his tracks to hear what I had to say.
"I'm sorry Jas. I had a small outburst-" I interrupted him by kissing him on the cheek, then hauling him into a hug.
"It's okay. Everything will be okay. It's got to be."
Shawn had redeemed himself of his trailed outburst from earlier and appeared to be enthusiastic for Cory.
I was sitting with them, talking about how Career Day was today.
I felt a little sad, yes, but I rather not have my father come in and not make an excuse to present his alcoholic, rampaging self to the whole class.
I was glad I wasn't living with him anymore. Even though the economy and finance in our trailer was low, I rather live there than reside in an abusive home like I was situated in before.
Even though Shawn's parents weren't on good terms, they were more of a family to me than my dad ever was before.
Interrupting our conversation, Shawn's dad was the last to head into the classroom. I was excited for Cory and myself. I would learn more about what his family did as well with one presentation.
"Hey, Cor, it's your dad. He's doing career day. All right." Shawn stood up from his seat, excited.
"It's not all right. Today we find out I'm not a basketball player's son. My dad is a grocer.I'm a grocer's son. I'm a son of a grocer." Cory complained about it, disapproving of his dad being the way he was.
"It'll be okay, Cory. Trust me. Plus, you're lucky." I pointed out, crossing my arms in annoyance. Shawn rubbed my back, and Cory's mouth gaped open in awe.
"I didn't mean it, Jas-"
Before he could finish his sentence, his dad came up to us.
"Hey, Shawn, Cory, Jasmine, umm Guess how many different kinds of rice we have?"
"Oh, no." Cory murmured, hesitant.
"Come on, guys, guess." He pressured.
"Ten?" Shawn guessed, taking a gander at his question.
"Ten, counting the short grains.
Throw them in. Forget about it!" He exclaimed, as he was trying to act like the cool parent. Well, it wasn't that bad.
"Cory?" Shawn gained his attention.
"Yeah?" Cory wondered.
"I'm glad I'm not you."
It was time for the fathers to present their career set they had, so we all diffused to our seats.
"First of all, I would like to say thank you to the parents for being here. After they speak, you guys should have a better idea of what kind of vocations interest you." Mr. Turner explained, with Shawn and I sharing eye contact.
First up was Topanga's dad, who happened to be a lutheran. Of course, Shawn was the first to question and state his opinion on it. I remembered this fact cause every time I was over at Topanga's house, he always strummed a tune or two.
"Thank you, Mr.Turner. I think I should begin by telling everybody what I do - I'm a luthier." He introduced himself to the class.
"And I'm a Presbyterian, but to each his own, I say." Shawn remarked.
"A luthier makes musical instruments." He retaliated at Shawn.
"No offense, sir, but that's got to be the nuttiest religion I ever heard."
"Ha! Don't worry, it's not you."
"Daddy, forget about all that.
Tell them who called last night." Topanga added in.
"Oh, they don't want to hear about that, Tippy." He declined.
"Tippy?" Shawn and Cory questioned in unison. She growled, frightening them as if she they were her fresh prey.
"Tippy's nice."
"It's my new favorite name."
"Well, it's really no big deal, but Bruce." Mr. Lawrence confirmed.
"Bruce Springsteen?" A kid asked.
"Uh-huh. I took the call. He said, 'Hey, little girl, is your daddy home?'" Topanga boasted.
"So you make guitars for a lot of big rock stars?" The same one interrogated him, interested in his career.
"Most of them."
This made me wonder if he ever done it for my favorite lead guitarists. Like Jimmy Page, Slash, Kirk Hammett, or Jimi Hendrix. All each and successful rock musicians.
"But I guess my real love is playing these things." Mr. Lawrence confessed to the class. He began strumming his guitar, appearing as some sort of rock God everyone just met.
I remembered how Cory must feel, him being more embarrassed on where he came from. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but his dad was honestly toast.
"He's toast." Cory was the first to start.
"He's toast." Shawn was after.
"He's toast." I mimicked them both.
"I'm toast."
"Please sit down, sit down. Come on, plenty more show. OK, let's see. Our next parent is... Mr. Alan Matthews!" Mr. Turner announced, with the class clapping in respect.
"Cory's father is a grocer.
Now, you probably think that all he's going to talk about is how many different types of rice he stocks.
Ha! I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that." He introduced him more. Not appealing towards the classmates I guess.
"Well, uh Uh, thank you for that, uh intro," he acknowledged, "I don't know a lot of rock stars, but, uh I do know this I take pride in what I do."
You could read by his forming expression that he was nervous. Feeling as if he wasn't prepared. I felt miserable for him, but he was at least a great father to Cory. That was what mattered to me most.
He still had that major, fatherly role in his life. He needed to cherish that.
"Everybody needs groceries.
I'd like to think we do more than sell lettuce and pickles and potato chips and bug spray. Umm we sell dreams." He continued.
"What aisle?"
About twenty minutes later, Mr. Matthews was handing out coupons to the class. I had a total of ten. Ten.
"All right, who didn't get a coupon?
Have a couple left here. This one this one's for liquid soap. I guess I'll leave them here." He was pretty awkward about it at the end, but he did a good job in my opinion honestly.
"Thank you very much, Alan." Mr. Turner acknowledged his presentation in a kind manner. I wasn't sure if it was gratitude or pity. Maybe both?
"Thank you. That took guts." Mr. Matthews left the classroom, heading back to his job probably.
"Shawn, Jasmine, was that as bad as I think it was?" Cory interrogated us.
"Not for me. I got 60 cents off Apple Jacks." Shawn tried to sound enthusiastic for Cory. He didn't want him to be down about this. I didn't want him either.
"And I got 75 cents off Cheerios." I added, causing Shawn to smile at me.
"OK, let's see. Our next parent is-"
Mr. Turner got the class's attention until he was interrupted. Until he was accompanied in interruption by someone I would of never expected.
"Sorry I'm late. Uh, actually, I was out in the hall having a smoke. Don't endorse it, don't deny it." Shawn's dad stated. I thought he was going to be out of town for a while? Shawn thought the same thing.
"Dad! I thought you were gonna be outta town?" He assumed.
"Oh, if anybody asks, I am." he started, then went to the front of the classroom where the recent presentations were.
Classmates appeared to be bored from Mr. Matthew's career day presentation. I wonder what Shawn's dad was gonna say about this.
"Hi, Teach, Chet Hunter. How are ya?" "OK, everyone, let's welcome Shawn's father, Chet Hunter."
Shockingly the class began to applaud but still held grim looks on their faces.
"Shawn, what does your dad do for a living?" Cory asked him, hushed.
"Shh I want to find out." Shawn ordered, propping his position to where he was interested.
"What do I do for a living? You've got one man here who makes things with his own two hands. You've got another one, puts food on America's table.
And my hat's off to both of them.
Me? Well, it's kind of hard to put your finger on what I do." he began, the class motioning themselves to apply some interest.
For Shawn, however, I was concerned. He hadn't been breathing.
"Shawn?" I whispered, and he glanced over then quickly to his dad again.
"Shawn, you're not breathing." Cory pointed out.
"Sorry." Wheezed out Shawn, regaining his breath again.
"Mostly I buy and sell things. Sometimes a refrigerator, sometimes a car. Why, once I even sold an entire nation. What I sell best are ideas. That's what I am - I'm an idea man." He confined to the thought of rambling on. I was still confused on why he came here. How he had some sort of knowing on what was going on in school today. I was concerned, hoping there wasn't anything unusual going on.
"A few years ago, I had an idea for an all-news TV station. Going all the time, all over the world." Shawn's dad continued.
"You invented CNN?" Topanga asked.
"That's exactly what I called it. CNN - Chet's News Network. But I made the mistake of yapping to a southern fellow 'bout it on an elevator."
"What did you say your last name was?" His dad interrogated Mr. Turner.
"Turner. No relation."
"Wow, he's somethin'." Cory was impressed.
"Yeah, somethin'." Shawn muttered, scoffing after 'yeah.'
"By show of hands, how many of you have a microwave oven?"
Everyone raised their hands except for Shawn and me, not sure if we did, or if we should have our hands raised.
"You're welcome."
Right afterwards, fortunately, it was lunch. Cory was still insecure about how his dad did.
"Remember that world series game where the first baseman let that easy ground ball go under his legs, and his team lost and he was humiliated in front of the entire world?"
"I envy his son." He remarked.
"Oh, come on, Cor. Your dad wasn't that bad." Shawn instigated, trying to comfort his friend.
"The cantaloupe is your friend?" Cory sighed.
"OK, that part was bad."
"Your dad he was awesome. Everyone loved him and he told great stories." Cory reminded him, but Shawn wasn't too keen on agreeing with his idea.
"Yeah, stories, it's all he has. Why do you think we live in a trailer park?" "Listen, at least no one's laughing at him."
"Your dad did fine. It's all in your mind." Shawn kept assuring him.
"Hey, Matthews, look! I'm eating your dad's friend." A kid from another table teased, holding up a cantaloupe.
"That's it! I've gotta move to another school district."
"I mean, Cory," I decided at last to butt in on this conversation,"I grew up with no one with a satisfying career all of my life. Just an alcoholic to take his anger out on like as if I was some sort of rag doll to him."
Cory and Shawn both gaped their mouths in sympathy.
"I'm sorry, Jasmine. I shouldn't of done that." He admitted, feeling guilty and remorseful.
"It's okay. Just please, stop downsizing your father." I know that was a little harsh for my friend to hear, but Cory needed to be grateful. He had a home with a man who shared a career, who did his very best to support his family.
Suddenly Shawn's dad along with Mr. Feeny entered the cafeteria having an argument.
"I'm telling you, man, I've got business here."
"Listen, I'm not gonna say this again.
If you're not faculty or staff, you have no business on this campus." He constrained Shawn's dad, but it wasn't working. Never would.
"Hey, leave me alone, pal. I'm George Feeny. I'm the principle of this here high school."
I  wasn't so sure if he was mocking him or having some sort of identity crisis.
"And you're not George Feeny!"
"I'm parked in his spot, ain't I?" Shawn's dad replied with sass. Shawn and I stood up from our seats, invading in on this.
"Mr. Feeny, I can explain." Shawn insisted.
"Please do."
"Go ahead."
Mr. Feeny and Shawn's dad said in unison.
"Uh, you're Feeny, too?" He questioned.
"I'm Feeny one." Mr. Feeny persisted.
"Mr.Feeny, this is my dad." Shawn introduced the two, with Mr. Feeny being taken aback. He furrowed both of his eyebrows, then clenched his throat.
"Oh Yes, well, uh we're very proud of Shawn." He said awkwardly.
"I'm surprised to hear you say that."
"So am I."
"Hey, Shawny. Shawn'd girlfriend. Shawn's friend." He greeted the three of us.
"So, Dad, what's going on?" Shawn asked.
"Is everything okay?" I wondered, hoping it was.
"Uh, look guys. Did you did you kiss  Mom this morning?" His dad asked.
"Uh-huh." Shawn answered for the both of us.
"Good. 'Cause it's gonna have to last you for a while." He confessed. What did he mean? This was starting to get even more strange.
"What do you mean?" Shawn questioned him.
"Your mother she took off." At first I thought he meant for a few days only. But from what it was sounding like- I didn't even like the sound of it.
"Oh, just go home and wait. She always comes back."
"Oh, not that easy. This time she took the house. See, that's the problem with having a mobile home. It's uh uh. You can move it." He continued. Oh no. That means no home, no comfort to sleep in. No beds or a kitchen to wake up to with the smell of breakfast cooking in midair.
"Maybe she went to get it washed." Cory suggested, trying to make things sound better for us.
"Yeah." We said in unison.
"So, what are we gonna do?" Shawn asked.
"We're going to go after her. Shawnie, you still got that keen sense of smell? Jasmine, you still got that keen sense of vision?"
"Dad, we can't just ditch classes. I mean, we can, but shouldn't we tell somebody?" Shawn said for the both of us.
"OK, but I gotta run before that little guy with the mustache has a duck," his dad started to leave, but paused to turn his attention to Cory,"You. Your father, the cantaloupe man He's good people. Mark my words."
After he left, Cory, Shawn, and I stood there in disbelief.
Our home was gone.
I stood there for a moment next to Shawn, us staring at each other. His expression was filled with a mixture between embarrassment and sadness. I felt the same way.
"Shawn, Jasmine. You okay?" Cory asked us, showing pity.
"Why wouldn't I be okay? Cause my mom drove our home away?" Shawn scoffed in a remarked tone, then gesturing with his hand in a swapping position.
I glanced at Cory for a second then followed Shawn out of the cafeteria hallway.
After school ended that day, Shawn and I went with his dad to help search for his mom.
"Although you guys don't have much of your stuff anymore, I at least saved your belongings and treasured items."
He reached out and pulled a bag from the back of his truck as he was at a stoplight.
He handed it to us, with Shawn scorching through it.
At least we had Chip as well.
Revealing inside of it was the camera I got Shawn, my song book and his book of poems he had. I thought that was it until I came across something. I pulled out out, revealing the framed picture of my mom and me. Shawn must of noticed the way I had been staring at it for a while, as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, making it to where I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Oh, and Jasmine. Your guitar is back there." His dad reassured me.
Thank god.
"Thank you." I acknowledged him. His dad didn't respond and didn't seem to care over the fact I was having a moment from the picture I saw. His focus was on the problem we were having as well as his driving.
It took us a total of three hours for trying to search for Shawn's mom- which we failed endlessly.
I felt guilty. This was my fault somehow. If she wasn't so stressed out all the time because of us, it wouldn't have been a problem to worry about in the first place.
Suddenly Shawn's dad pulled into the parking lot near a motel. It was on seventh street, and it already gave me a chilling spook.
"You guys need to stay here for the night, it's uh, too dangerous for you guys to ride in the car out with me at this time at night. For grub, here's this. Order a pizza or something." He reached out of his jeans pocket and revealed a rippled up twenty dollar bill.
Shawn opened the door and we got some of our stuff at least, as well as Chip.
"We'll sneak him in." Shawn decided.
So, for now, we hid him towards the back. We got a room and one of the motel managers gave us clean sheets. It was different. This motel room. It was dusty and looked as if the walls haven't had a painting in years. The dark curtains with draping at least in front of the window, closed and shut down. Shawn left to go sneak in Chip successfully, who was whimpering.
"Shh, Chip." I hushed him. He received the signal and understood he needed to be quiet, so he laid down behind me.
"Are you okay?" Shawn asked me, huffing out a sigh. I shrugged, as he sat beside me protectively.
"I am sorry Jas. I really am. You don't deserve this." He whispered, but I shook my head no.
"It's okay. I'm just glad I've got you." He tried his best to peek out a smile, then wrapped his arms around me, securing me in his hold.
"I love you so much. Never leave me." He said to me. Right now he resembled a lonely, sensitive pup, especially as he buried his head deeper into my chest. I stroked his hair back and forth repeatedly. Lingering through every tendril as he rested his head on my lap.
"I love you too." I replied.
We were like this for a while until he sat up. His hand uplifted with my cheek, stroking up to my temple. It was soothing. He lets go, forming a grin.
"I know where we can go," he started, then stood up,"come on."
We took Chip with us to where we were going. Since I had no coat and it was cold at night, he wrapped his leather jacket around my shoulders.
He led me to Mr. Turner's apartment.
I remembered a while ago Cory and him had to go to Mr. Turner's place for this study session due to the bad pop quiz they received.
Shawn earned a twelve; he was pretty confused how, but as Mr. Feeny stated:
And you Mr. Hunter are as odoriferous as a dead man in July.
Which I didn't think that.
We stood at the door for a moment then we were greeted by Mr. Turner who was filled with uttered surprise.
"Hi Mr. Turner. Sorry for bugging you, I um, had a question. Am I interrupting anything," Shawn realized Miss Tompkins was there, with a straight expression on her face,"hey look its Miss Tompkins!"
"Yeah, I know."
"Boy, you teachers sure work late- Oh Sorry, Mr. Turner, but I didn't know you guys had personal lives." Shawn said.
"Hunter. Clayton. How ya doing? You guys wanna come in?" Mr. Turner invited.
"But you've got company-"
"It's okay." She was getting ready to leave. I could tell it must of been bad; we must of interrupted on a big moment they were having. Feeling bad, I was about to ask Shawn if we could go back. Until.
"Kat, where you going?"
"Yeah, you don't have to leave. Stay, we'll hang." I nudged Shawn in the arm and he glanced at me, raising an eyebrow. Miss Tompkins refused the offer.
"Another time," she said, but before she left she said one last word to Mr. Turner,"we'll talk."
"We'll talk?"
After she left, it was just the three of us. Shawn was making most of the conversation the most.
"I like her. Do you like her? I like her." Shawn said, as if it was his duty to support the relationship like a close son. I knew from this moment and upcoming on that there was a bond between them. It wasn't that they were alike, but you could tell from a distance how close they cared for each other. Wether if it was teacher or student, father figure or son, whatever relationship you could dignify it as.
"Yeah, I do," he responded,"so Hunter, Clayton, what are you guys doing out so late?"
"Well, you know, uh my dad's out looking for my mom and I had this thought." Shawn was rambling on.
"Okay.." Mr. Turner started.
"About the homework. You know that Forrest Hemmingway guy? When do we get to read his stuff?" He wondered. "Next year."
"Okay. Just checkin'. I heard he was good."
"You came all the way over here for that?"
"You're the English teacher. I figured there was no one else I could ask."
I'm flattered.
"I miss when we were reading The Outsiders." I spoke up at last.
"Who was ya favorite?" Mr. Turner asked with a grin on his face, happy I remembered that.
"Definitely Pony, but Sodapop is fine. I don't know, when someone asks me that question it's like when someone asks me what my favorite dress is." I joked. The one I was wearing right now was pretty cute now. It was a floral sundress, with short sleeves with a jean jacket vest over it. It was a cute spring outfit to wear.
"Boy, you guys were really having a dinner, huh?" Shawn changed the subject to the scattered plates of food on the dining table.
"There's plenty left over if you're hungry." Mr. Turner had offered.
"No, we ate and everything." Shawn answered.
"I'll put it away?"
"No, I might pick at it." And by picking at it, he was really trying gulf down the entire bowl.
"Jasmine, you hungry?" Mr. Turner asked. My stomach growled, so I took it as a yes. I scooted next to Shawn, fixing myself a plate. Like Shawn, I scorched it down too in under minimal bites.
"Would a napkin slow you guys down?" Mr. Turner joked, and Shawn grunted, accepting the napkin.
"So, where are you guys staying until your father gets back?"
Remembering Chip probably hadn't eat anything, I handed him my unfinished plate filled with table scraps left over, which he garbed down too.
"Oh, a great place. My dad gave me some money, so we're staying at the motel down the street." Shawn informed him.
"The one down on Seventh? Are you sure you guys are gonna be all right there?"
"Oh, yeah. The guy in the cashier's cage gave us clean sheets and everything."
"At least we have each other, you know. Shawn and I." I added into the conversation. After he was done eating, he had rested a hand on my lap, until he stood up with the bowl in his hand.
"If you wanna save your money, you could just crash here tonight." Mr. Turner offered but Shawn declined it at first.
"Nah, I already paid the guy five bucks to turn on the TV."
"Have a seat on the couch. Watch some free TV. Give me a minute to clean up the kitchen and I'll drop you off." Doing as Mr. Turner suggested, I followed Shawn to go sit on the couch, with him not even eating. We continued to listen to Mr. Turner, until I was feeling sleepy. Shawn could tell too, as he studied my face. So, he laid down and had me rest next to him, feeling drowsy as can be. I was on the inside, he was on the out. Sleeping at the end of our feet was Chip, who was feeling the same way as us.
It was a hard, rough day. We needed a good night's sleep. I tilted my head to where it was against Shawn's, with us resting close to each other.
And I fell asleep soothingly, with a blanket covering the top of us both.
The next morning we were dropped off at the Matthew's. I was upstairs in Cory's room, with the boys passing a yellow ball back and forth, bored.
Meanwhile I was playing on Eric's ukulele. Without his permission whatsoever.
"You enjoying that over there?" Shawn teased.
"Yeah. Totally." I responded with a smirk. Shawn and I made eye contact, this time resulting him in receiving the ball, but taken aback.
They continued to pass back it back and forth, this time interrogating us with questions.
"So where are you guys staying tonight?"
"Uh, motel's fine. At least 'till my dad gets back. Why don't you come over tonight? We could skateboard in the pool and they've got cable." Shawn invited him.
"We've got cable." Cory reminded us.
"Not like this place." They stopped throwing the ball for a moment, both reluctant and distracted by this conversation.
"You guys can't just live in a motel." Cory disputed, glancing from me to Shawn.
"Why not? At least you know it's not gonna drive away." Shawn's voice cracked. I headed over to him to comfort him, his hand secured with mine.
"Listen, you know you guys could have crashed here last night."
"I know, I was fine." He reassured him.
"We were fine," I added,"I mean, it would be worse for me if I was by myself. I wouldn't know what to do without Shawn."
I earned a kiss from him just for that.
"I know you're fine, I'm just saying." Cory was still concerned. He cocked his head up, adjusting it to where he could read our expressions more.
"It's okay Cory, you don't have to worry about us. Really." He assured him.
"Hey, Shawn, Jasmine, come on down, kids!" A familiar voice bellowed from downstairs.
It was Shawn's dad.
"See? My dad's back and everything's great." Shawn got a hold of my hand and led me excitedly downstairs.
"Hey, Dad, did you find mom?" Shawn asked as he jumped from the last couple of steps of the stairs, halting to a stop to face him.
"I did. I did find her, but she gave me the slip again. You gotta respect that.
Now, to that end, I have something on my mind-which is why I'm here." He explained. Shawn's smile faded away.
"Thought I was why you're here." He mumbled.
"You are! You are, you little Slim Jim.
That you are," he reassured, getting a hold of him and patting his back,"this is all about you."
He glanced at me, and wrapped an around around my shoulder.
"You too, Jazzy." He assured me.
"Johnny, look. Uh this is hard to say. I ain't always been the perfect father-"
"Dad, it's okay." Shawn tried to reassure, his voice still soft.
"Adam, I consider you a friend-"
"Alan." Mr. Matthews respected.
"I respect you. Yes, sir, you are the heartbeat of America. People can count on you," continued Shawn's father, "I like that."
"Where's this heading?" Mr Matthews questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I need a favor. My wife, Verna, she's she's out there. And my heart's out there with her. Not to mention my wallet and major credit cards. But she is my wife and go after her I must," his dad rambled on,"And the favor? Take care of my kin. Now you don't have to answer right now. Well, yes, you do."
"Stay here? That would be great." Cory added in with a pleasured smile on his face. Shawn however had a different reaction to what he was saying.
"Dad, why can't we just come with you?"
"Oh, come on. The road's no place for a boy and a girl. Especially with your mama out there driving on it. Nah, your place is here. In school, with Teach over there. In this house, in the company of these fine people. No pressure." He stated.
"Chet, shouldn't you be asking Shawn what he thinks?" Mr. Turner added in with a question.
"Whatever. It's fine with me. What about you, Jas?"
I shrugged.
"I'm fine with it I guess." I mumbled.
"We're only talkin' a few days. Couple of weeks, tops! I'll call in every night.
So, what's the verdict, Your Honor? Mrs. Honor?" His father asked for permission.
"Shawn, Jasmine, you know we'd be very happy to have you stay." Mrs. Matthews allowed. This caused Shawn and me to form a casual smile. At least we would have a place to stay instead of at that motel.
"Of course."
"Shawn, you have a room here as long as you need it. See, if my boy can't be with his own father, I'm glad he can be with a good father," his dad ranted onward, "and you, sir: Why, you're are a good father."
Interrupting us was Eric and Jason barging through the door, with anxious looks  on their faces. Trailing down from his nose then clenching it, was blood. Oh boy Eric.
"He's fine, he's fine! Don't panic, it's just a little nosebleed." Jason persisted. He wanted to persuade us into thinking and assuming everything was fine. However, knowing Eric, it wasn't.
You see, they have been studying like a maniac, flipping rapidly through every pages of the books, causing stressful headaches that were making them go psychotic. Eric had that right now.
"How long has that tree been out
there?" He asked us. After they were upstairs up and gone, Shawn's dad changed the subject.
"Well, anyway, Alan If I can kick in to the house kitty, why, you let me know.
"I think we can handle it 'till we get coupons."
"Even better."
"Shawn, Jasmine, what do you say we go move your stuff? Oh, wait, it's already movin'. Let's go get you guys a toothbrush and a new shirt,"his dad offered us,"Teach, Ma'am Mr.Matthews. It's  Corky, right?"
"Yeah." Cory decided not to correct him.
"Hey, we're all gonna be roommates, huh? How great is that?"
"It is great."
Realizing this, I never had to stay the night with Cory and Shawn before. The dynamic duo. The ultimate power duo of this very world. Everyone's friendship goals. I was excited.
"Think we're gonna find out." Shawn replied with a cheesy grin.
"I'll go get some clean sheets for you, guys." Mrs. Matthews stated, leaving the room. As for the three of us, we were heading towards the door, but got interrupted by Cory's father.
"Uh, Chet?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"You're gonna be back in a couple of weeks, right?"
"Texas women couldn't keep me from here." He dignified with honesty.
When we returned back, it happened to be night time. Since we wouldn't be seeing him for a while, he decided to take us out to that diner Shawn showed me. Oh yeah. This was their favorite restaurant. The both of them.
I was able to keep Chip with me.
The room I was staying in was a guest room right across the hall from Cory's room. There sat laid out a queen sized bed with purple covers.
"Ooh that looks like a nice bed to sleep in," Shawn clasped his hands together,"ok let's go-"
Suddenly Mrs. Matthews interrupted him by placing a hand to his chest, stopping him.
"Nope. Not in this house. Bad idea. Jasmine is sleeping in here while you're sleeping with Cory and Eric."
Shawn frowned, then headed back to Cory's room. A moment later, Morgan came out of her bathroom being the cutest little  thing.
"Can Jasmine sleep in my room Mommy?" She pleaded, as she went to go tug at my dress. I picked her up, her arms around my neck.
"There's no room to fit Morgan," Mrs. Matthews said with a smile,"but I'm sure she'll play with you. If you want to, Jas."
"You never got to play princess with me!" She reminded.
"Oh yeah, I haven't, have I?" I realized.
Mrs. Matthews headed downstairs, allowing us to play her game of princess. After we were done, we sat down and played with her dolls.
I didn't take any interest, but it was worth it. I was getting a kick out of babysitting Morgan.
"Having fun in here?" I heard a voice ask. I spun around to see Shawn at the door. Shawn held a smirk on his face, as he went to go sit next to me.
"Ew, I hate boys!" Morgan stuck her tongue out at them, upset for interrupting our play date. She continued to play with her dolls, as I felt Shawn reach out to grab a hold of me, settling me onto his lap.
"You know we can be like this if you go watch a movie with us." He whispered, slowly turning me on by smoldering me with passionate kisses on my temple.
"I have an idea." 
I roared out a fake yawn, effecting Morgan to yawn contagiously.
"I'm- I'm tired-" I continued with my act. Morgan began to doze off, which gave my the signal my plan was working. Shawn even got in and Morgan's eyes were completely closed. I stood up, sneaking up to tuck her into bed. Hovering right by my side stood Shawn, who was watching me tuck her in. I glanced at her for a while, forming a sly smile.
After I made sure Morgan was asleep, I turned off the bedroom light, escalating the room.
Shawn followed me to Cory's room, where he sat alone on his bed. Once we opened the door with a creaking noise,  he glanced back right away.
"There you guys are! It was sucking the life out of me just viewing this scene paused for five minutes." He groaned.
Shawn and I sat next to him, watching the flick. Of course, it was The Gremlins. I didn't mind it though cause of how close we were cuddling.
After the movie was over- which it resulted into a kiss-to-make-the-time-go action between the two of us, it was 'curfew.'
Shawn never really had a curfew at his place. When it comes to the Hunter clan, their idea of curfew is like a law to them, but it's broken endlessly.
"I don't want curfew, I crave this." Shawn murmured through our kiss, but Cory pulled us away.
"We have to go to bed. It's the rule."
"Ugh. One last kiss?" He asked me.
I kissed him on the lips, then headed off into my room.
I changed into my pajamas and dimmed the lights. I snuggled into the blankets, calling it a night. I kept my eyes open as I stared long and hard at the peering moonlight shining down on my face abruptly. As much as how the bed was comfortable, I wasn't fully secure. I needed him. Yes, I had Chip who was sound asleep at the end of my bed.
I need that one person who would hold me. How his hold had made me feel safer than I could ever really be.
I couldn't sleep like that for a while.
So, I did what I had to do.
As I headed out of the bedroom, I roamed to Cory's room. I sneaked in there, trying my best not to wake anyone up. There was Cory and Eric in here too; not just Shawn.
I walked in baby steps, not major ones as I sneaked. Fortunately, I was quiet. When I headed to bed, I noticed Shawn was sleeping on his side in his cot.
I didn't bother with trying to make a conversation with him. It would be way too risky.
So, I slipped in right next to him, and his eyes opened. He wasn't even tired when he woke up.
When he noticed this, he didn't even question it.
"I can't sleep." I whispered as soft I could.
"I know, I can't either." He murmured. He rested his palm on my face, stroking it. Our eyes locked, and I felt him kiss my lips tenderly. As we kissed each other, I was beginning to feel tired. I buried my head deep into his chest, his arms wrapping around my waist.
"I love you so much," he said to me, stroking my hair,"I am so happy I've got you with me to go through this with."
"I love you too. I never want to escape your arms." I whispered, and I closed my eyes, dozing off.
Yes, we slept like that. It didn't matter to us though.
No one could keep us apart. It was like a barrier trying to distance us, but the rope was thick. We could never let each other go.
For that letter, I know for a definite fact it would be painful to leave him. To leave us at a time like this. We needed each other.
Even with the Matthews: we still had to take care of each other.
Author's Note:
Hey guys :)
Long, yet kind of a tough chapter to write, lol. I'm thinking right now:
I want a Shawn.
Hoped you enjoyed this

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