3. Shu(u) Sakamaki x Reader | By Definition

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. character - Shu(u) Sakamaki | Diabolik Lovers

. requested by - Kordelia_Jenner


Shu's eyes were on you.

He watched as you raced up the flight of stairs, taking two steps at a time. Mercilessly, you stomped on the steps, the sounds echoing throughout the mansion.

You vanished from his plane of vision moments later. There were a few more thuds, before he heard a door open and slam shut with such ferocity, he almost jumped.

Something was definitely wrong, the vampire had concluded.


After slamming the door shut, you threw your bag to the side, the object colliding against the wall before dropping to the floor, half of its contents spilling.

Ignoring the battered bag, you pulled back a chair, sinking into it with a defeated sigh. Upon your arrival at the Sakamaki's mansion, all your actions were, simply put, the physical manifestation of your anger and frustration.

That same anger still clouded your mind like a dark fog. The tendrils, so steady and secure, it seemed like nothing could shake them off.

Trying to forget about the day's events, you picked a random book from the array of multicolored spines that lied about, untidy, in front of you. You held the book's indigo spine tenderly, flipping it open.

You switched on a lamp, a faint light spilling on the surface of your personal work desk, some of it overflowing, pooling on the floor before it blended with the fading sunlight.

You discovered an old bookmark: a receipt, folded crosswise, with a brown stain on it. It was from a local restaurant. You remained on the page you marked, trying to recall the plot of the book, along with its characters.

The book's pages were yellowed, and the font, illuminated by the small lamp, was dark, bold, and monotonous. On a whim, you flipped back to the first page, yellowed, and void of anything.

"You forgot to lock the door," a deep voice announced. Shu.

You spun around, gasping. Shu was leaning against the door, which was half-open, allowing Shu's wide frame to pass through soundlessly. He shut the door, locking it afterwards. The click of the lock ringed in your ears.

"Now tell me what's wrong," Shu demanded.

"Nothing's wrong," you immediately replied. Shu banged the back of his hand on the door, glaring at you.

"I've been dealing with Reiji's bullshit for the entire day," he told you, "don't you dare make me have to deal with yours. Now tell me."

He held your gaze sternly, trying to pry the answer out of you. You sighed, giving into him and his demands. Shu smirked, proud of himself, before he strides towards you. In a second, he was in front of your chair, ready to listen to what you have to say.

"Remember that girl who I said was my best friend?" Shu raised an eyebrow, nodding nonetheless. "I found out today that she had been feeding info about me to my ex, and she was talking shit about me too."

"I really did think I could trust her," you added, finalizing. Shu only gives you that same listless stare, seemingly unfazed by what you've just told him.

He takes slow, calculated steps towards your bed, sitting down immediately. He beckoned your over with a wave of his finger, and you obeyed.

"How troublesome. . ." he finally remarks.

You give him a hurtful look, and, yet again, he remains unchanged. Shu sighs; "I won't forgive her for upsetting you like this."

Suddenly, Shu wraps a steady arm around your shoulder, allowing you to rest your head on his broad chest. He was the only one you could confide your problems to, and he was the only one who could provide you with the solace you desperately needed.

Shu kissed your forehead tenderly, rubbing your arm in slow, soothing circles. You melt at this, relaxing your shoulders. Shu's lips come in contact with your cheek next, his nose poking your skin. His skin was ice-cold, yet your body was radiating with sudden warmth.

"Just forget about it," he said, softly. His lips ghost over your cheek. "I don't want you to be upset anymore. Trust me. . .it's so much easier if you stop caring."

Shu had fallen silent after that, but he never did stop his cuddling. When you were already fast asleep in his arms, he gave your lips a brief, chaste kiss, murmuring a quiet "I love you," before he shut his eyes.

He had no idea you were awake the whole time.


"You know, I never liked that girl anyway."

You looked at Shu, who was draped on the couch, his arm shielding his face from the beams of sunlight that penetrated the windows.

"Why not?" you asked.

"Too troublesome."

"You said the same thing about me. Like, twice."

Shu gave you a sideways glance before he shut his eyes again. He scoffed. "You're the kind of troublesome I'm willing to tolerate for the rest of my life."

"So, if what you say is true, then, by definition, it would be incorrect to call me troublesome?" you grinned. Shu stopped listening halfway through the sentence.

"I can't believe I fell in love with somebody like you."

"Say that again? You can't believe you what?"

Shu groaned loudly, and not a moment later, he had exited the room, grumbling incoherent phrases under his breath.

『 R E Q U E S T S , C L O S E D 』AnimeCharacters x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora