20. Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru (IwaOi) | Sliced Carrots

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→ characters : Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru | Haikyuu!!

→ requested by : Oikawa_Iwaizumi

→ 04172017

→ wherein despite years and years of perfecting the precision of his jump serve until its become well-feared in the prefecture and polishing his skills as a setter until setters from teams much stronger than tooru's are forced to give his talent recognition, yet tooru still can't cut vegetables without the help of his husband.

[a/n]: iwaoi makes me feel a lot.

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The carrots feel moist and hard where his fingers are pressed- fingers that have burned into ever single nerve ending a practiced precision and delicacy, fingers that are so accustomed to molding to the roundness of a volleyball.

Though this was no volleyball, just a couple of carrots he and Hajime had bought in the vegetables section of the grocery, but Tooru can still feel the tingle in his hands, an unmistakable itch to play the sport that's been made so prominent in his younger years. Tooru almost laughs, because it's been years since he's held a volleyball, even longer since he's played seriously.

Some nights he wishes he could go back to his highschool years, when he didn't have to worry about things like the numbers printed onto his taxes, or whether his tie was pressed or not. He misses being so well-known and admired for so many things, now he's only admired by two pairs of eyes (but to an older, more mature Tooru, it's more than enough, he's outlived his days of being stupid, blissfully carefree,) and in his small neighborhood, where everybody knew everybody, he known for his flawlessly styled hair, but that admiration only existed among the older women with Chihuahuas on their laps, beaded glasses propped on their noses, and too much time on their hands.

Tooru chooses to leave behind most of the child's play and the more ridiculous aspects of his personality locked away, like his old Aoba Johsai jacket, which is much too small for him now. Though, Tooru's kept his charming smile and his condescending snark, he's a married man now, with a seven year old daughter to look after, there was no more time for rivalries with prodigies (Tooru's realized that he's never actually apologized to Tobio for his behavior in his highschool, nor does he think he wants to.)

Tooru snorts, because he nurtures the idea of spiking the carrot against the chopping board, or tossing it into the air, but the well-placed smack at the back of his head was not going to be worth it. It's been years since Hajime's played volleyball, too, but the guy still knows how to hit with more than enough force that he truly did deserve the title of 'Ace'.

"Gah! Motherfu-" Tooru bites his lip, cradling his bleeding finger on the palm of his other hand. Through strained tones, he calls out his husband's name, and it isn't long before Hajime strides into the kitchen, joining Tooru by his side.

"Iwa-chan, I cut my finger!" Tooru whines. Hajime scoffs, taking Tooru's bleeding hand in between his calloused palms, scrutinizing it with mild concern. This wasn't the first time Tooru's injured himself cutting vegetables, the proof was in the small, healing wounds along the surface of his fingers, one placed on his palm, and it's nothing a band-aid and a few words of scolding can't make better. Hajime wonders why he still lets Tooru do the cooking, but the ache in his joints from a long day's work are quick to remind him.

"You're so fucking stupid," Hajime grumbles, loud enough for Tooru to gasp at him in great offense. Hajime drops Tooru's hand, leaving his husband with an open cut and carrots that are still in need of slicing.

"Mean, Iwa-chan!" Tooru's grumble comes a second too late, because Hajime's not by his side to hear it. Begrudgingly, he picks up the knife again, more careful this time to not get warped up in the distant memories of his younger years.

In Tooru's defense, he's got most of the carrots reduced to more swallowable slices when Hajime returns with a band-aid, so he can't call him a good-for-nothing. (Hajime can be so mean sometimes. Tooru loves him anyway.)

When Tooru returns to cutting the last of the carrots, his movements are more hesitant, and he pauses for a few seconds whenever the silver blade gets a centimeter too close to one of his fingers. When Tooru proceeds to the meat, which is disgustingly slimy under his fingers, Hajime moves to wrap his arms around Tooru's waist, guiding his husband's hands with his own, all the while whispering words of conversation into Tooru's ear.

He does this because Tooru has a larger chance of cutting himself when he's chopping up meat ("It feels gross, Iwa-chan!"), and he doesn't want him to get any more hurt than he already is- but also because Hajime finds it adorable how Tooru's cheeks heat up at the public, physical contact.

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"(F/N), it's time for dinner!" 

"Jesus Christ, you're so loud," Tooru grumbles under his breath as he's pouring some of the steaming vegetable soup into a bowl.

"Says the screamer."

"Iwa-chan!" Tooru gasps, scandalized, "Bad! Not in front of the baby!" Hajime only laughs in response, settling into his seat a few moments after.

When you finally arrive at the dining table, still dressed in your uniform, you're greeted with smiles from both of your fathers, returning them with your own. After you sit down, say your thanks, you take a spoonful of the vegetable soup, listening to the sounds of the evening news as the three of you exchange stories of how your individual days went.

In the fairy tales, it always spoke about a wealthy prince, raised lavishly, and a pretty, nameless lady that caught the prince's eye. They fall in love, they get married, live in a grand castle and a grander kingdom, and live happily ever after.

Tooru and Hajime were far from the fairy tale couple of a young girl's dreams, after all, Hajime wasn't afraid to smack Tooru's shoulder if Tooru made fun of him. The ones who've only been exposed to second-long glances of the couple would declare that they probably did more heated arguing than sincere loving, but (F/N)'s seen the tender kisses Hajime plants on Tooru's ear when they think she's focused on the bowl of soup, and she's heard the whispered apologies as Hajime holds Tooru's hand.

Their love story was nothing spectacular, despite the two individuals being so wonderfully amazing in many aspects. Nothing fairy tale worthy, but they've done the falling in love, they've done the wedding, and they were sure as hell going to get their happily ever after.

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