17. Subaru Sakamaki x Vampire! Reader | A Story For the Young Ones

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→character : Subaru Sakamaki | Diabolik Lovers

→ requested by : SasheeTadashee

→ 04092017

→ wherein dismal, critical times for you and subaru get woven into a persuasive anecdote for the young ones to listen to.

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The name "Subaru Sakamaki" would have made you turn your head, would have made your heart leap with affection, because that boy was able to wriggle his way past your heartstrings and into the space reserved just for the people you loved the most in the world.

Subaru's the first one to purchase permanent residence there, as your dad left before your heart even started beating, and your mother abandoned her lot once she noticed the canines that grew much longer than what was normal for a toddler.

This particular evening, the Sakamaki's mansion was all set up for a skirmish that could end in flames and even more broken relationships. The brothers were restless, the triplets having it the worst, because after all, Cordelia, their viper of a mother, had rooted herself in Yui, and no amount of endeavoring could force her out.

The other five Sakamaki brothers were not welcome in the most vulnerable, most cherished place of your heart. You paid no mind to them when Subaru invited you over to his home, primarily fixating yourself with the youngest son, the son that you loved the most.

It didn't crush you in the very least when you sauntered over to Cordelia's host and voiced your siding with her. The brothers remained indifferent for the most part, too, only tightening their jaws, or scoffing disdainfully at you.

It was the change in Subaru's features that crushed you.

His eyes, bright red and always held impassive, were overflowing with hurt. Even the small glimpses you've caught when Subaru speaks about his childhood was nothing compared to this. Subaru was so utterly crestfallen, and you desired nothing more than to embrace him and comfort him, telling him this was only a ploy.

But you've already touched shoulders with Cordelia, and running back to the Sakamakis now would only be a disgrace.

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You and Cordelia are cornered into a room, an unused one collecting dust and unused items tucked away in one of the hallways of the mansion. The wallpaper's peeling, and you've tripped over books and broken candelabra as you approach.

Subaru and Laito are on the other side of the room, had it not been for the circumstances, you know the two would have stayed far away from each other. Their pale wrists have crossed paths more than once, and for brothers who try day and night to spite their own kin, they had beautiful coordination.

Fury was a look you've seen Subaru wear countless times. It was his most well-known trait, and you've heard whispers of Ayato's teasing through the walls of the giant mansion. Subaru was always angry at himself, for never being good enough, for always regressing to his monstrous tendencies, for not being able to hold your hand as gently as you were always holding his, for always bearing his edge of roughness in his ministrations whenever the both of you are stripped of all clothing.

This time, you fear Subaru's pointed his rage at you. For betraying him, for containing all his love and spilling it carelessly afterwards, for leaving his side even after countless promises of forever. You didn't want to be exiled from his heart, like Christa, because your heart still beat for him, still yearned for him. You dreaded being painted in a gruesome image and hanged right beside Christa's own, left for Subaru to think back to on the nights where he's alone and without anyone to tell him it was okay.

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