11. Ayato Sakamaki x Reader | Just Lovey-Dovey-Mwah-Mwah Couple Things

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. character : Ayato Sakamaki | Diabolik Lovers

. requested by : SasheeTadashee

. 03212017

. in which ayato and his best friend (and long-time crush) love competing over who's faster in track, but God seemed to have other plans, and (Y/N) has to sit a couple sessions out.

[a/n]: it's a bit different from what you originally requested, but i hope you like how it turned out!!

x x

"Yo, Ayato look it's another one of those lovey-dovey-mwah-mwah couples."

"Oh my God."

"They just seem to love flaunting their love to the world don't they, I mean I'm pretty fuckin' sure we got the memo from those eight couple selfies you uploaded to Instagram."

"Yeah, but I love you."

"That's really cute Ayato, I love you, too-"

"No, like in that lovey-dovey-mwah-mwah-couple way."


"Yeah, I'm a fucking sap and now you have potential blackmail material, but guess what I do love you and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do those dumb lovey-dovey-mwah-mwah couple things with you."

"Oh my Lord, Ayato."

"Do you love me back or not because I don't want to look like an idiot any longer."

"I already told you earlier, didn't I? I love you, too, man."

"Wanna do gross lovey-dovey-mwah-mwah-couple-making-out now?"

"Fuck yeah."

x x

One week later, and you couldn't believe you and your best friend, Ayato Sakamaki had turned into the most generic lovey-dovey-mwah-mwah couple ever. The same kind of lovey-dovey-mwah-mwah couple that you used to abhor.

One week later, you also couldn't believe you had sprained your ankle, and you now had to sit out one of the two things you actually looked forward to in school : track. The other one was Ayato.

( God, sometimes you just wanted to shoot yourself for turning into such a romantic. )

You hated the fact that the beads of sweat that gathered on your forehead weren't from the thrill of running, but from the the blazing sun.

There you were, sitting on a bench that groaned whenever you shifted in your seat, in the sixty-six-degree August sun, still in your school uniform, while everyone else wore shorts and shirts and sweat and smiles.

There was an open notebook resting on your lap, which you would glance at for a few moments ( maybe a whole minute if you were lucky ) before you would quickly look back up at the students, feeling a pang of jealousy whenever you saw beams on their faces while yours was etched with a scowl.

"You better not be looking at some crusty ass," Ayato warned, standing in front of you with a bottle of water and an irritated frown.

"I'm looking at one right now," you looked Ayato dead in the eye, smirking playfully, and the redhead responded with a murmured 'Fuck you' and a quick roll of his eyes.

Ayato took a seat beside you, and the bench groaned in complaint. He opened the water bottle and took a long sip, downing more than half its contents. "You holding up okay over there?" he asks you after he caps the bottle again.

"I'm doing wonderful."

"Want me to bless you with my company for the rest of the session?"

"That'd be real nice," you said, "thanks."

Ayato smiled, wrapping an arm around you and giving your hair a quick kiss. His hand drops down to the curve of your waist, and it stays there, a fair warning to any crusty asses that this beauty- his beauty, was already taken.

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