14. Yuma Mukami x Reader | The Morning After

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. character : Yuma Mukami | Diabolik Lovers MORE, BLOOD

. requested by : Dynasty_Sarada

. 03292017

. wherein yuma chooses to spoil you, even though it's much too early for anybody in the manor to be up and roaming.

[a/n]: i try. i try my hardest, really, i do. but fluff does not want to cooperate with me. also i'm listening to the OST of the live-action movie of Beauty and the Beast.

okay so i tried a different writing style with less describing and more dialog incorporated into it and i don't know if i pulled it off or not but idk in my point of view the writing seems superficial and i'm uncomfortable with it. ah well, never too late to try new things.

x x

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

There's an easy smile on Yuma's face, and he has an arm draped over your shoulders, rubbing your bare back in comforting circles. There's nothing clothing your bodies, except for the sheets and shafts of intense light, both of which only accentuate your nakedness instead of concealing it.

But you're more than content with existing in this moment, where neither you nor he were leashed by the universe, and you're allowed to experience the highest level of intimacy achieved by mortals. Though it's come and gone, escaping with the moon, and all that's left is a physical soreness of your body, and an unavoidable swelling of your heart whenever Yuma glances at you from the corner of his eye.

Your conversations are constructed on whispers, because anything louder would awake the other residents of the manor, who were all as inhuman as the man who was petting your hair in the most compassionate way possible.

You shut your eyes, reassured by the fact that Yuma's still going to be there when you open them again, although not a minute later, you can hear shuffling, followed by the sound of feet shuffling on the floor, and your entire body sags, feeling betrayed.

"I'm going to go take a shower, okay?" you can feel Yuma's hand on top of yours, much larger and colder than yours, and his fingers slot in perfectly in between yours.

"Okay," you hum. Yuma's hand lingers, before he retracts it, and you count his footsteps as he walks out of the room, and until he's out of earshot. Twenty-eight steps.

You grope a fistful of the sheets and throw it over you, snuggling into the pillow with a sigh, missing your lanky boyfriend already.

x x

"Oi, did you fall asleep on me?" There are prods to your shoulder, forcing you out of your sleep. You groan your protests into the pillow, and Yuma snorts from the foot of the bed.


"Honestly," Yuma muses, but there's no fighting the smile that forms on his lips. He pats your thigh repeatedly, or at least where he thinks your thigh is because you're cocooned by the sheets. "Go downstairs with me?" he asks, and there's a twinge of need in his voice.

"I made you coffee," there are more pats to your thigh, soft and gentle, which felt wondrous against your sore body.

"Only if you carry me."

"Not a problem."

Yuma peppers your face with kisses en route to your desired cup of coffee, with his strong arms wrapped securely, faultlessly around your figure, and you've never felt happier, or more in love than in that precise moment.

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