8. Natsu Dragneel x Reader | Not Your Typical First Date

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. character : Natsu Dragneel ; Fairy Tail

. requested by : Nauny_Da_Weirdo

. 02152017

. modern au

. in which natsu and [y/n], who had only recently professed their love for each other, and natsu takes initiative and asks her our on their very first date, and quickly [y/n] learns that their first date is not the kind with a candlelit dinner and pure silk tablecloths.

[ a/n ]: totally changing my format again, because consistency is not something you should get used to in this account. anyway, over here, it's going to be valentine's tomorrow, and to those that don't have a special someone to spend the special day with, just grab a box of comfort chocolate, because everything's going to be alright :D!

okay wow this was so long it's nearly 1850 words this is an all-new record for the longest fic i've ever written.

x x

There was a beep that came from your phone, muffled by the layer of dark blue denim you put on. You fished your phone out of your pocket, and the device vibrated on your palm for a few moments, before the black screen lit up automatically, displaying the three new messages you received in a bar at the top of the screen.

It was from Natsu.

You tapped on the bar, and the phone directed you into your messages, where the new message was displayed, along with some of the older ones you and Natsu sent each other.

eyyyy how bout we go on a date @ 8?????? -Sent 3 : 35 p.m.

oh wow that rhymed - Sent 3 : 36.

The third message Natsu sent, you decided to disregard, as it was only a long stream of assorted laughing emojis which you regarded as unnecessary, and you quickly turned off your phone again, stuffing it into your pocket, and after tucking back a loose strand of baby hair, you proceeded to your classroom.

x x

After a rather painless day of school, you and Natsu made the short trip to Natsu's apartment, and most of the trip was spent narrating funny stories about shit that went down in school, and cracking jokes that were terribly corny, yet you found yourself laughing anyway.

You were already so comfortable with this guy, and you had only met him a few months prior ; but with his easy smile, and his hair the color of a strawberry milkshake, and the way he would occasionally trip in the cracks of the pavement, and curse at the road afterward, it was near impossible not to get sentimental.

And now, after a rather awkwardly-executed confession of love and a handful of lunches together, that same easy smile greeted you at the door every morning, his bicycle propped against his side, and his strawberry-milkshake bedhead ever so prominent.

x x

The cyan wall clock read seven fifty-two, eight minutes before your date. The clock resumed its tick-tocking diligently, but the repetitive noises were drowned out by the television that was halfway through a sci-fi movie, and the movie's sound effects were much too loud for your delicate ears.

Natsu had disappeared about four minutes ago, saying that he needed to use the restroom, and his socked feet thumped against the floor, and that, too, was no match for the the deafening speakers Natsu had connected to the television.

Taking advantage of Natsu's absence, you splayed your legs out on the sofa, your eyes trained on the movie, and the tick-tocking of the clock resumed, although ignored, and the blows to your delicate ears becoming more and more brutal as the movie neared its climax.

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