18. Havoc Rochaboroughii x Reader | Nocturnal

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→character : Havoc Boroughii | OC, Fairy Tail

→ requested by : AnimeOtaku1003

→ 04112017

→wherein havoc suffers from erratic, horrible bouts of night terrors, but there's finally somebody there to tell him everything's going to be okay.

[a/n]: look i had to come up with a surname for him because i've never given him one yet anyway here are some headcanons of him just so you get to know his character better.

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havoc rochaboroughii canon things + headcanons :

canon things :

- yes i know his appearance is blatantly ripped off of ayato sakamaki that was 2015-2016 me's doing, and until now ayato sakamaki is still a very accurate image of how i picture him in my mind ( i like to picture havoc with black earrings )

- like many OCs, havoc comes with a tragic past that deserves at least a little bit of your pity. born in a small, greatly underdeveloped village that struggled to get by, havoc's parents, who were young and irresponsible and weren't ready for parenthood, abandoned him just a little ways from their village, deep enough into the woods so not even the wanderers could hear his wails.

- that's when carnage, a female dragon with too much time on her hands, heard his cries. the dragon took him in, taught him what she knew, much like what happened with our very own canon dragon slayer squad.

- much like what happened to our canon dragon slayers, carnage vanished one day. but unlike our canon dragon slayers ( who's dragons only "disappeared" ), carnage died fighting a losing battle against frightened, armed soldiers. for the second time in his life, havoc's been left behind by the ones he called "parents".

- havoc began moving from place to place, living off of whatever edible thing he could find. he manages, just barely, and eventually he stumbles into the halls of blood fang, one of the lesser, unknown guilds that were situated too deeply into nature to accumulate popularity.

- he's offered a job by the guild master, and once the older members see havoc's magical capabilities, they offer membership to him. havoc accepts, and he's remained loyal to blood fang ever since.

- born in a nameless village, nursed back to health by a dragon, and raised the remainder of his childhood and teenage years in the company of the loud, tactless brutes of blood fang. they're havoc's definition of "family" now, though he always likes to think back to carnage and how much she's helped his scrawny crybaby ass so much.

- one day, when havoc was a juvenile with too much energy than he knew what to do with, he took on a mission to exterminate a pesky group of animals that terrorized some old farmer's livestock. he completed it smoothly, but an ambush from a lone thief left him without his pay and quite disoriented.

- havoc lands himself in the town of magnolia, and eventually into fairy tail, becoming quick friends with the younger group of fairy tail wizards and mages. he's pointed back to blood fang, and from then on, if ever his work takes him to magnolia, or near the area, he always drops by and maybe trade a few punches with natsu or gray, or whoever agrees to spar with him.

- havoc actually canonically has a girlfriend named saffron but we're gonna disregard that for the sake of this x reader. well then, now that we've got his life story typed down, let's move on to the headcanons.

headcanons :

- likes black/dark clothes, and instantly clicks with people that don't mind his destructive tendencies ( 100% just his magic, don't worry )

- buy him anything vanilla-flavored and he will love you instantly

- he scares really easily

- he likes his women sassy, and since he has a tendency to say what's on his mind, he wants a girl who doesn't get hurt too easily, but he'll still apologize anyway.

- believes in soulmates and that he's far superior to sting eucliffe.

- he has a scar above his collarbone from an accident that took place in his childhood

- he's quick to anger, but even quicker to cool down and get over it. havoc knows when he's in the wrong, and albeit a bit hesitant at first, he'll always apologize

- he dislikes noisy animals and any strong-scented perfume

- he's proud and he's confident, but not anything too unhealthy like sting during the grand magic games arc. havoc knows what he is able to do, and what he is unable to do, and he takes pride in the former.

- enjoys unexpected hugs and soft music and getting into arguments with sting eucliffe ( he enjoys it even more if he wins those arguments )

- he wants to approach love slow and steady, because he doesn't want his heart broken ( what's the point of offering somebody something so important and vulnerable if they're only going to drop it and leave it in pieces? )

- havoc's experienced random episodes of horrible nightmares that scare him to the point where he can't sleep for the remainder of the night. havoc hates how unpredictable they are, and how he can't do anything but lie in bed until the dawn

- sting eucliffe just really pisses him off 

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The soft, almost soundless wingbeats of a solitary bat. The chortles of groups of friends, juveniles and adults alike, who've had a little bit of alcohol, and a lot of boldness mixed into their drinks.

Havoc doesn't hear any of those things, he can only hear the noise of his heavy, shaky breathing. He doesn't hear any of those things, but he knows they're existent. Maybe because he's become far too acquainted with those who rise after the moon falls into place.

He hasn't left the walls of his home to join them, not yet, because he's far too entangled in the overturned sheets, and because there's a gentle hand that once rested on his chest, had fallen onto his lap after Havoc had woken with a start.

He doesn't have a say in these things, but on the evenings when his dreams shed their pleasant facade and become wicked, horrifying nightmares, Havoc's forced out of his own home, because it feels far too small and suffocating, and he's forced to join the nocturnal in their wandering.

This particular night, however, the sheets binding him like rope aren't the only thing that keeps him tied to his bed. There's a sleeping figure right beside him and through wet, dismayed eyes, he watches another pair slowly flutter open to the sound of Havoc's breaths.

"Hey, you're awake?" she asks him, upsetting the neatness of the sheets further as she wriggles a little on the spot she claimed. "Another nightmare?"

"Yeah." Havoc figures there's no point making up stories, because she's far too clever for his own good, and because Havoc doesn't want to explore the darkness of the world right now.

"Just go back to sleep, baby, I promise everything's going to be okay. I'm here, I won't vanish." You place a comforting hand over his, squeezing a little. A few more sweet words before Havoc settles back into the fluff of his pillow with a tired sigh.

You keep talking, whispering to him words that loosens the tenseness of his bones, words that make him smile, laugh if you're lucky, words that slowly dip his eyelids until they're shut for the night. His breath follows, falling easily into a steady rhythm that syncs with the rise and fall of his backside.

Slipping your fingers in between his, you choose to close your eyes as well because Havoc's finally sleeping, and you can rest easy, with a smile on your face. Eventually, you fall into an easy slumber as well, breathing, sharing the same space, hands intertwined waiting until the night passes and the sun bursts forth into the skies.

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