46. Kuroo Tetsurou x Barack Obama | The Sun

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》characters: Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu!!), Barack Obama 

》an original fic


》wherein a slow summer day and the changeless hum of the overhead air conditioning is excuse enough for anything and everything.

[a/n]: i have no reason nor excuse nor regret for this fic and i merely was having a fucking good time (this is the actual worst thing i've ever written) (i'm going to make this quick and painless for y'all i got a more serious slow burn fic to write)

also, i'm aware i haven't updated this, or any other of my unfinished works in a long-ass time and i have two unfinished requests that's sapping guilt outta me but my hands are full and my spare time is depressingly empty. i have shit that i've chosen to prioritize and once most of it's out of the way i'll work on requests again, these are really big words and i never live up to them mostly but: i promise, next fucking week i'll have something posted.

SlytherinSociopath Mangeteau


The sun was doing dat shine and the birds were doing dat sing, and Kuroo gave no fucks about either. He, however, gave many fucks about the man he was holding like forgotten treasure: Barack Obama, blessing Kuroo's eyes every morning for a little over half of a century (It was amazing, and Kuroo would realize it often,) with a charming smile and a dashing suit; although Kuroo's favorite Obama was the Obama that put on his american eagle boxers with squinting eyes and danced with Kuroo whenever dat gucci music was playing (Kuroo was a bad dancer, Obama was badder- not in a good way- age does things to a man.) The Obama that was no longer afraid of his image, who didn't care if he yawned while Kuroo was talking, because Kuroo would only smile, ask if he wanted to take a nap (Obama would always say yes, and it was fine because Kuroo kind of really liked taking naps with him.)

Again, Obama yawned and Kuroo blinks, probably looking silly, for he was yet again thinking about the grandness of the forty-fourth president and how much of his heart was taken by purest love.

"You're everything to me, you know that?" Kuroo says, eyes still unfocused, "Unrivaled by even the sun."

"So I'm the sun to you?" Obama chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah, the sun," and Obama chuckles some more; with anybody else, Kuroo would have punched his knuckles into their shoulder or their breastbone, whatever was closer, but with Obama, he only looked into his eyes, so ready to get lost again, and be found, again; "don't fucking laugh, being romantic is hard."

And Obama chuckles some more; with anybody else, Obama would have tutted, lectured the person on the true vulgarity of profanity, a lecture he himself had received many a times in his unruly adolescence, but with Kuroo he could only shake his head a little, like he'd just sneezed really loud.

"How can I be the sun yet be the darker-skinned one?" Obama questions, and Kuroo throws his head forth in laughter, sweet, young laughter.

How could Kuroo have forgotten Obama's unique sense of humor? "How can I be the sun yet be the darker-skinned one?" That's so Obama!


[a/n]: when you thought book update this definitely isn't what you had in mind, guess what buddy this wasn't what i had in mind either; i never realized how ridiculous this idea was until i was writing about obama in the most america boxers ever now get ready for a bonus ending because i'm cruel:


Laughter aside, Obama tells Kuroo he loves him in Japanese, something that's so rare Kuroo takes a long while to remember the last time Obama spoke Kuroo's mother tongue.

Kuroo has a hard time holding back a moan.


Laughter aside, Obama tells Kuroo he loves him in Japanese, something that's so rare Kuroo takes a long while to remember the last time Obama spoke Kuroo's mother tongue.

Kuroo has a hard time trying not to laugh (Obama needed to work on his intonation. He tried anyway, for Kuroo, and that was what touched Kuroo's heart.)

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