22. Sabertooth x Child! Reader | SA-BE-RT-OO-TH, ♥♥

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→characters: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Yukino Agria, Minerva Orland, Rufus Lore, Orga Nanagear, Dobengal | Fairy Tail

→ requested by : JolieEucliffe

→ 04222017

→ in which the members of sabertooth, previously disconnected and self-serving under the tyrannical hand of jiemma, finally fit together under sting's.



Sting's fingertips were stained the dark of ink, and the effortless discern of fatigue when your feet trespassed the walls of his private room. Sting's own feet were tapping beats onto the floor, roaring over your own soft, reluctant footsteps. The [h/c] that's collected into a loose ponytail is all too vivid against the plainness of the walls and the solid white of the paper, cut to perfect straightness by the blade of a machine.

Sting hides the dark, smeared blue of his fingertips under the desk, and his tiredness behind a bright grin. "Oh, (F/N)-chan! Somethin' wrong?"

"Sting-kun, what's your favorite color?"

Sting's surprised not to be asked something work-related, because that's all he's been drowning in lately, and thoughts of something so childishly comical almost seems alien inside Sting's mind. Thankfully, after two seconds of mute thinking, Sting remembers.

"Blue, of course! I always look hecka good in it!" Sting tugs on his own blue vest, beaming proudly, "Why you asking something like that, though?"

Sting's only answer are a knot of your own tiny giggles as you skip out of his room. Sting ponders on the strangeness for a few more moments before he focuses once again on the monstrous pile of paperwork that's looming beside his forearm, he lassos the fiend with the repetitive loops of his signature until its reduced to a small stack of seven.


Rogue's body is so much more relaxed than Sting, shaped against the flats of the table and chair, breathing in and out rhythmically. You truly hated having to shake him out of his sleep, but you're sure that if Rogue's tired enough to fall asleep in the middle of the blazing afternoon, it'll be just as easy for him to fall back asleep once be blurbs out his answer.

"Oh, (F/N), what is it?" he yawns out his greeting, resting his cheek against the surface of his palm. Already, his eyes are beginning to drop again.

"Rogue-kun, what's your favorite color?"

"Oh, um, grey," Rogue quickly looks down to his cape, the color of twilight at its latest. Saying black would be far too depressing, and Rogue was depressing enough for a room full of people, so he chooses grey to compensate. The versatility of black bred with a sliver of white.

In truth, Rogue had no favorite color. Favorite somethings were pointless and usually never mattered unless they did matter, but he could never say that to you, so he twists his words into a white lie of sorts.

He's grateful when you nod knowingly, say your thanks and an apology for disturbing his sleep before you walk away, and Rogue can return to his dreamless sleep.


Yukino and Minerva are many minutes deep into conversation when you stumble upon them. Their legs are crossed, their hands nursing glasses of water, and they both welcome you with bright smiles and extended hands. Yukino even offers to get you a glass of orange juice, but you politely decline.

"Yukini-nee, Ojou-sama, what are your favorite colors?" you're a bit uncomfortable under Minerva's inspection, and you're a hundred years thankful for Yukino's own presence.

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