6. Asahina Fuuto x Reader | Gone Viral

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. character : Asahina Fuuto | Brother's Conflict

. requested by : Katieplays86

. 02072017

disclaimer : i do not, i repeat, I  D O  N O T  watch Brother's Conflict, so please don't request anymore characters from that anime ^^'. I'm incredibly sorry if Fuuto's out of character in this one-shot or if I got some information wrong [ pls tell me he has a phone i mean cmon ].

I based this off of a small bit of information a friend had given me, but other than that, I hope you enjoy it ^^.

x x

Doubled over, hands on your knees, you scrutinized the cakes that were on display behind a sheet of thick glass.

There were three tiers in front of you, each tier loaded with saucers placed side-by-side. On the saucers were magnificently crafted cakes, and the baker's level of expertise was shown in each perfect teardrop of icing, and in the flawless circle shape of the cake itself.

Some cakes had triangular slices missing, and some had been sliced across the middle, displaying whatever filling had been inside the cake. Some saucers were bare, and the only indication of a cake ever being there was a sprinkle of crumbs on the saucer's otherwise spotless surface.

In front of the bare saucers were sheets of white cardboard with the word, "Unavailable" scribbled onto it with a faded blue marker. The penmanship looked rushed.

"Have you decided on anything yet?" your boyfriend, Fuuto asked with an easy smile. His hand rested on the small of your back, skimming the cakes exhibited in front of him.

"What about this one?" you suggest, pointing to a miniature, round cake that was covered in dark chocolate. At the center of the top of the cake was a cherry, closed off by a circle of white icing ; the circumference of the cake was closed off with larger, curlier swirls of the same white icing. It was one of those cakes that had a triangular slice missing from it, and from the opening you saw the chocolate filling, sandwiched by two layers of spongy, chocolate cake.

So much chocolate.

"Anything you want," Fuuto says. His free hand buries itself into his pant pocket, pulling out his wallet.

"We're totally getting diabetes after this," you laugh. Fuuto laughs as well. Still giggling, you walk up to the counter, waiting patiently as the middle-aged woman and her daughter conclude their purchase. 

The cashier hands the middle-aged woman a red box, smiling politely as the woman tugs her daughter along, heading for the exit. You walk up to the cashier, smiling, and when the cashier asks you for your order, you point to the cake you were gawking at, adding an affirmative, "I want that one. Two sl-"

"We'll have an order of the entire cake," Fuuto interjects. You look at him, but say nothing.

You continue remaining speechless as Fuuto pays for the cake, stuffs the change into his pocket and, hand-in-hand, the two of you walk out of the modest pastry shop that was tucked away in the corner of the street, carrying the same cherry-red box that was neatly wrapped in a red bow.

x x

You open the box eagerly. The bow tie that had been lashed securely around the box lay discarded, on a chair, and Fuuto approached you with two plates, which were stacked neatly on top of each other, and two forks.

He set his held objects down on the table, and pulled out his phone. A sleek, brand new model which he had purchased using the money he had earned working as an Idol. He opened the phone's Camera, holding the phone horizontally an arm's length away from him. 

He turned 'Flash' off so he could snap at least a few candid pictures of you without you realizing what he was doing.

Hurriedly, he snapped four pictures. In the first two pictures, you stared at the cake in all its chocolate-y glory, and in the third and fourth pictures you rubbed your hands together, eager to dig in.

He snapped one last picture. In the fifth picture, one of your arms were extended, to the point your wrist-down was out of the camera's range. Your [e/c] eyes looked directly at the camera, and you looked greatly alarmed. Your mouth hung open, forming a lowercase 'o'.

"Fuuto!" you shriek in embarrassment. Just how many candid, probably cringe-worthy pictures were he able to take of you?

"This is totally going on Instagram!" Fuuto declares with a triumphant laugh.

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