13. Kou Mukami x Reader | Bookstore, Baby

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. character : Kou Mukami | Diabolik Lovers MORE, BLOOD

. requested by : Dynasty_Sarada

. 03262017

. in which the life of an idol can be quite overbearing at times, and kou just wants nothing more than to spend some time with his lover, preferably without getting flocked by a sea of fans all desperate for his autograph.

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"Hey, M Neko-chan," Kou calls. You look up from your ancient, dog-eared copy Huckleberry Finn, deciding to set the book down on your thigh, but not before blemishing its yellowed pages with another fold.

"I'm bored, wanna go out somewhere?" he asks, a lollipop which was reduced to half its original size poking Kou's glossy lower lip, which was stuck out in a subconscious pout. Must be a habit of his.

There was an easy look on his face, and a very tiny, easily overlooked upward quirk to his lips, as if he already knew you would say yes.

You decided to indulge the half-vampire, with a, "Sure, why not? Haven't gone out in a while."

Kou claps his hands animatedly, and his feet cross at the ankles as he thinks of a good venue for a date. You, on the other hand, get up from your squatting position on the floor, to return Huckleberry Finn to its reserved spot in your bookcase, other books, some even more ancient and others still yet to gather dust accompanying it.

You prided yourself over your bookshelf, which was neatly tucked into the corner of your room, hoarding literature that originated overseas, and also novels from your local bookstore. You stroked the spine of an old book affectionately, it was a collection of bedtime stories your mom had given to you on your birthday, and you devoured the stories time and time again.

Now, a story that was once your lifeline, had been reduced to a cover-less collection of pages, which were littered with crayon drawings and dried food stains.

Kou watched you, his chin propped on his palm, and a fond smile on his face as you continued glazing over each and every book you had gathered over the years, and how the stories tugged at one of your heartstrings, and latched onto it for the remainder of your life. It was no secret- you just loved books. A whole lot.

And Kou was a contender for your love, and amidst all your passionate talks about a certain stories ( all of which Kou tried his best to seem interested in ), he just hoped that he was an exception. That he was something that wasn't a story, and that he was able to latch onto one of your heartstrings ( hopefully more than one, because he was greedy like that ), and that he wasn't just going to sit somewhere and collect dust once you were through with him.

"Ice cream parlor?" you suggested, probably garnering the idea from a book.

"Not really in the mood."


"You know my fans have their. . .tendencies- and I know how you feel about my fans, M Neko-chan," he says, "you're pretty damn good at hiding your pretty face in books, but you're no master at hiding your emotions."

Kou gets to his feet, taking slow steps towards you. His footsteps, muffled by the hideous socks he wore, came to a stop abruptly. Kou's arms snaked around your waist, and he locked his fingers together, pressing the small of your back against the fabric of his hoodie.

Kou placed a soft kiss to the crown of your head, and if he intended to make you melt, it worked very well. You giggle cheekily, and a chuckle escapes Kou's throat as you place your hands over Kou's, astonished at how significantly smaller your hands are compared to his.

"How about we go to the bookstore, hmm?" Kou suggests, his words a breathy whisper against your ear, "I'll buy you one- maybe two, if it's not too pricey."

"Oh my God, thank you!"

You quickly break free from his hug, slipping on your shoes with a few unstable hops. Although Kou misses the outward warmth your body provided when it was held against his, a new warmth flourished inside of him, when you turned around, shoelaces untied and bangs falling over your face, and gave him a smitten grin.

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