7. Ruki Mukami x Reader | Textbooks & Teacups

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. character : Ruki Mukami | Diabolik Lovers ( Diabolik Lovers : MORE, BLOOD )

. requested by : _Wolf-chan_

. 02082017

x x

Heaving a defeated sigh, you flipped to page two hundred and eighteen out of the thick, borrowed five hundred-something paged Maths textbook.

Even if your older sister's name had been written on a piece of paper and taped to the textbook's front cover, you had certainly left your mark - leaving chaotic scribbles all over what was once neat and organized white pages.

Maybe you could give the textbook to your future daughter [ if you ever survived the hellhole that was school ] and narrate anecdotes about how, on nights like right now, where you stayed up past midnight, surviving on sloppily-brewed coffee as you pined over your textbook, as you were currently doing.

You reviewed the figures that were illustrated on the page, for what seemed to be the fifth time. The 'x's and 'y's all formed a gargantuan slur inside your head, and you picked at that giant slur, trying to recall the right formula.

Your mind was like a violent maelstrom, and it seemed that these maelstroms only take place when you would cram for an upcoming exam. You were stripped of whatever you had learned, and your knowledge would get caught up in the raging storm, and you would drum your fingers against your desk, hoping to fish something out.

No luck so far.

You flipped back a couple of pages, and its contents had been blemished with gashes of bright orange highlighter, you highlighted terms which you felt the need to memorize in case the word would be shoved in your face the following day.

On some words, you had drawn an orange arrow with the same highlighter which led to the margin of the page, which was void of any writings. There, you had scribbled down the term's definition, or what you assumed it to be. The page's margin was filled with a mixture of bright orange and faded grey notes ; a few equal signs here and there.

You flipped back three more pages. 

For the first time in a while, the page was filled with actual words and not complex, intersecting figures that were labelled with letters from the English alphabet. You read the passages on the page, and after a few more notes scribbled in pencil and two mock-equations, you felt that you finally had a grasp on what you had to do. So, with brand new vigor, you fast-forwarded to the page with the complex figures and the 'x's and the 'y's.

You had no idea Ruki had been watching you the entire time.

The vampire, who had silently entered your room to tell you to take a break and come down to the dinner, instead leaned against the wall on a whim. His arms were folded in front of his chest, watching as you slouched in your chair, your face only a few inches away from the textbook's page, writing down equations adjacent to the figure going a mile a minute.

He smiled, feeling a large amount of pride as he watched you continue writing down numbers, the size of your letters gradually growing larger as you began overlapping some of the notes you had written down earlier. 

Abruptly, you stopped, like a speeding car that suddenly braked, you lost your momentum. You rapped the pen against the desk mercilessly, as if the thumping of the pen would rev your brain up again.

Ruki softly chuckled at the fact you didn't know what to do next. He took slow strides towards your chair, unfolding his hands and allowing them to hang loosely around his sides. By now, you were alerted of his presence. 

Ruki rested a hand on your shoulder, doubling over so he could peer at the figure. His eyes flitted to the solutions you had written down, and you broke into a nervous sweat. Ruki reviewed your solution with silent, serious scrutiny.

"Give me the pen," he demanded, holding out his open palm. Wordlessly, you dropped the pen into his hand, and his fingers clamped around it immediately.

"So, you carry the two over here, and you cancel out the exponent there - you know about the properties of equality, right?" You nod. Ruki continues writing, continuing where you left off, "So after you cancel it out, you'll be left with this, and it's just a matter of multiplication and simplifying the fractions."

With a flourish, he wrote down the value of x and looked over to you, raising his eyebrow. "Do you understand it now?" he asked. You nodded curtly.

"Good," Ruki sets the pen down beside the textbook and closes the book. "Come on now, you haven't eaten dinner yet."

You were about to protest, but you had been silenced when Ruki gave you a kiss to the cheek, offering you his hand and a warm smile.

"Oh, come on. I made your favorite food."

『 R E Q U E S T S , C L O S E D 』AnimeCharacters x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now