10. Subaru Sakamaki x Reader | Feed

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. character : Subaru Sakamaki | Diabolik Lovers

. requested by : ThatAnimeGurl002

. 03202017

. in which subaru fucks up, showing you a glimpse of his monstrous capabilities, and he hopes that it's only a small cut, and not a lasting scar.

[a/n]: okay so it's really late over here, like 11:30 p.m. and i'm planning to work on other updates tomorrow so i figured why not get this one done today xDD so here it is, albeit a bit rushed [ especially towards the end ] and probably really sucky.

i hope you enjoyed it anyways, because i had a lot of fun writing this!! 

- Acnologia_Slayer

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Subaru had a tendency to lose himself when he was feeding.

What with the steady stream of blood trickling down his throat, lighting a fire of emotion he wouldn't feel on normal circumstances. He was reckless, not caring if the blood would spill on his clothes, dripping down his neck, because it wasn't his- and even if it was, he would probably remain indifferent, probably hide in a corner because he was proud like that.

This night, he was particularly thirsty, and he couldn't bring himself to feed on you. He only drank your blood on the more passionate nights, when you were covered with sweat and unbridled intimacy, and Subaru had a tendency to lose himself on those nights as well.

Subaru left the manor to roam the streets, which were empty at this time of the night, except for a band of rebellious teenagers here and there, smoking weed in dank alleys, or parading the streets with bottles of beer, screaming drunken slurs.

Subaru enters an alley, tucked away at the very end of the street, and the light from the streetlamps are too far away for a regular mortal to be able to see adequately. The walls were blemished with graffiti, profanities sprayed on with dark spray paint that bled, with the occasional poorly drawn dick off to the side.

There were trashcans, belonging to the nearby residents, and they're filled to the brim with all kinds of garbage mixed together, producing a foul smell that carried throughout the entire alley. There were rats, large and with matted fur, rummaging through plastic bags to find any table scraps.

Subaru can hear chatter, though. At the far end of the alley, he can make out two shapes, one significantly taller than the other, keeping their voices hushed, performing an exchange in the dark, an illegal one, no doubt. The vampire creeps closer, lurking close to the wall, and he can make out bits of their conversation, and it seemed to be coming to a close.

"Next week, same time, same place."

"You got it." And the taller figure looks around, his quick scan of his surroundings obviously executed superficially, as he hadn't seen Subaru at all, even though he obviously stood out, with his pale hair, and his lanky figure, and his tattered clothes. The taller figure jogs off, disappearing not long after.

The lone person leans against the dirty wall, and there's a Ziploc cradled in his hands, which he greedily opens, bringing it up to his nose and taking a long, unnecessarily loud whiff. Drugs, Subaru concluded.

The person lets out a shaky moan, allowing the illegal substance to stimulate his nerves, propping his body against the wall for support. Subaru decided that now was the best time to strike.

He moves quickly, silently, and he strikes with practiced precision. One quick blow to the head to knock them out, another for good measure. The person screams, and Subaru realizes that it was only a teenager, probably the same age as his lover, but he's already marked him, and his prize is right in front of him. The only thing keeping him from it was skin yet to be pierced, and the fruitless struggles of his victim.

The person soon goes limp, and Subaru finally has his fill.

x x

The look in her eyes when Subaru walks back into the room, still covered in blood, was one Subaru couldn't erase from his mind.

Her eyes were wide, her lips parted in a gasp that never came. Subaru was usually able enough to tell if she was delighted, if she was feeling a bit down, and if she was angry, but this time, whatever was flashing in her eyes was something Subaru couldn't decipher.

All Subaru knew was that she looked beautiful, with the way the moonlight outlined the details of her face, and the way the simple, ivory nightgown made her look like something crafted from the heavens, despite the sheets tangled at her ankles and her disheveled hair.

She was in a nightgown, with tangled locks of hair.

Subaru was in his school uniform, stained with the dried, dark blood of his last victim, with tangled tendrils of emotions.

And for a second, Subaru thinks the reason why she's done nothing but stare at him like he was a total stranger was because of fear. The vampire should have known. It was how things usually were concluded: with a shrill, terrified scream and "Get away from me!" uttered like a mantra.

And to add fuel to the metaphorical flame, Subaru had already fallen in love with you, and he knew the sting of separation was going to multiply tenfold. So he chooses to wait for the scream, for the "Get away from me!"- whichever chose to leave your mouth first.

But instead, he heard a very timid, a very quiet. "Subaru. . .? Is everything okay?"

And he was genuinely shocked hearing such loving words leave your mouth again, even after seeing a sight that would appall even the toughest of men. He was rendered speechless, and he opts to stare at your beautiful face, as if it held he answer.

He remains speechless when you shuffle towards him, your eyes darting all over his body, before it settles on his left hand. You extend your own hand to gently grasp his, and Subaru's hand is unusually warm, from the shed blood, no doubt.

"Did something happen?" you whisper to him, rubbing circles on the surface of his bloody hands with your thumb, some of the dry blood smearing onto your skin.

"I was feeding," he replies.

"You could have-"

"I'm not drinking your blood," Subaru states firmly, and he squeezes your hand. "I have this bad habit of losing myself when it comes to blood, and I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to scare you away, either."

"Christ, Subaru, you had me so worried," you exhale in relief, a small smile gracing your lips, glad Subaru was perfectly alright.

Subaru on the other hand gives you a puzzled look, certainly not used to people not calling him a monster. His hand was still squeezing yours, and your fingers were still locked around his. But above everything, Subaru was just glad- ecstatic even, that you decided to stay.

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