16. Bokuroo Week 2017, Days 1-7.

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(( bokuroo week 2017, day 1 | beginnings & endings. ))

Kuroo found the blaring LED lights and the spiked drinks and the gyrating hips too much for him to handle. He had fallen prey to the alcohol, and one too many dances, and one too many fleeting looks had him at his wit's end.

He hated himself.

He hated the fact that he executed what could only have been called the shittiest confession ever. There was no stuttering, there was no blushing. Just drunken slurs, and a confused look, and a kiss that reeked of alcohol and regret.

He had kissed Bokuto. Bokuto. And God knows that even in his ridiculous ignorance, Bokuto wasn't stupid enough to misinterpret what the kiss meant. And Kuroo could only hope it wouldn't ruin it for the two of them.

So, obviously, Kuroo ran. The plastic cup in his hand was discarded, and the remainder of the beer that could very much be the reason for a ruined friendship, spilling, like Kuroo's feelings, like one or two of Kuroo's tears, and the scent of beer mixed with the smell of sweat and vomit and cigarette smoke.

Kuroo kept running, far away from the godforsaken party, concluding that the faint yells of his name was just his heart- his stupid, fucking heart and a bit of alcohol playing tricks with him, because he was sure Bokuto wouldn't have run after him.

And for some reason, his feet, that ached from running and dancing with strangers, led him to a beach, which was deserted and cold, with the occasional plastic bag, branded with the logo of the local convenience store, drifting through the sand.

Kuroo walks through the sand, leaving heavy footprints, his heart weighing heavily in his chest from the possibility of complete rejection, and he sits on the shoreline, taking off his Converse, and dipping his feet into the water. And Kuroo can feel his emotions bubbling inside of him, straining to be freed, and he starts talking, cursing to the sky, which only listened, sending a gust of wind now and then, ruffling his hair, but it was nothing compared to the concoction of emotions brewing inside of him.

x x

"Kuroo?" It was Bokuto.

"What?" Kuroo doesn't look.

"You okay over there?"

"Do I look okay to you?" Kuroo laughs, and it's bitter, and he finally turns to look at Bokuto. In the moonlight, Bokuto's eyes, the color of aged amber, glittered, and Bokuto bites his lower lip, which he only does when he's fretting over something.

"No, not really, no."

Kuroo snorts and faces the large, dark expanse that was the ocean, and he wanted nothing more than to plunge into the water and feel numb.

Bokuto sighs, taking slow steps towards Kuroo, before he seats himself beside his best friend and slides off his shoes, allowing the cold water to wash over his feet. Bokuto looks at Kuroo, but Kuroo refuses to meet his eyes.

And, for the first time in a long, long time, it's quiet between the two of them. The space between Bokuto and Kuroo was filled with certainties and uncertainties, several more opening up after the kiss they shared- and Kuroo couldn't help but paw at the sand, and think of every way this could get even more fucked up.

It's still silent three minutes later, and neither of them can stand it.

"Look, Bokuto," Kuroo finally says, "I'm sorry for kissing you, I mean we're both guys and that kinda shit's weird, but I guess I just. . .love you."

"Yeah." And Kuroo wonders if several years of the most genuine friendship he's ever had had just ended with that one word-

"I guess I just love you too, man." Kuroo finally looks at Bokuto, straight in the eyes, and Bokuto nods in confirmation. And Kuroo doesn't know what the fuck he's supposed to do next.

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