26. Ruki Mukami x Vampire! Reader | The Cherry that Sheen His Lips

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→ character : Ruki Mukami | Diabolik Lovers, MORE BLOOD

→ requested by : SasheeTadashee

→ 04312017

→ ruki mukami, who's always displayed himself as infallible (perfectly, so,) is nervous, and he fears he doesn't wear nervousness well.

[a/n]: since i'm not very adept at coming up with titles and i don't really bother hiding, here have this (probably going to be reused) theme of smth + "Sheen His Lips" for the title


The first time Ruki sees you, there are thin pages held between his fingers and words bleeding into his mind that he almost chooses to ignore Kou's loud greeting, but he tears himself away from the pages and the aged words to catch you passing under the doorway, eyes wide in wonder.

You're beautiful, absolutely so, and when Ruki finally provides the sentences his fragmented attention, he finds the words have lost the glitter of their charm, and he can only shut the book with a deft movement of his fingers.


The first time Ruki kisses you it's quite late, and your lips taste too vividly of the fruity drink Ruki saw you pouring into a cold glass hours ago. It's not important, all that is is the fact you kiss him back with a matching fervor.

Ruki can't quite name the fruit underneath its layers of artificiality, and the tips of your fingers, lifetimes warmer, gentler, more loving than Ruki could ever hope to be, they press their emotions onto the coldness of his skin, tapping in a language Ruki hopes is identical to the way your lips breathes infatuation into him like he was an empty, anticipating container.

Ruki's breath is taken from him, and he's given your heart and all the weight its tied to. Ruki hopes his cold, scarred hands are enough to accommodate it, and he's a bit envious how even when he's presented you his own heart, with all its ugly scars and its muteness, you still smile, still blush like somebody's freely given you another cold glass of the fruity drink, swirling ice and all.


The first date goes as splendidly well as Ruki imagines it to be. He's lost in the colors that dance across your eyes in easy playfulness, so beautifully mixed, effortlessly presented in the dim lights of the restaurant. Truly only a being dressed in the golden thread of the heavens would be able to be so masterfully fluid, so specific in the details that complete you, like the way you squint as you peer at the dark text of the menu.

Ruki remembers the late hours when he reads still, despite the flaming pleads of his eyes for rest, despite the stillness and the quiet of the manor, appropriate for a roomful of rotting corpses. Ruki remembers getting lost in the words, even though he's read them dozens of times, even though his feelings have left indelible stains on the pages more than once. He remembers the security, the lovely comfort that lies in the universe the words pertain to, that the words twist and warp to be able to iterate it articulately.

Ruki feels the same thing when he looks at you, and it's something he doesn't mind residing in. He doesn't mind seeing the sheets of dust that are going to coat his books once he finds a new comfort in your presence, he doesn't mind the way the books are probably going to remain in their slots at the bookshelf, leering at him like lines of teeth. His fingerprints are going to perch on your skin now, and not the aging books, and he welcomes the thought with a clink of his glass.

Ruki reserves the conversation for when he knows he's going to be rewarded with a giggle from behind the laminated page of the menu, or the grace of your lips styled upwards in joy. He fears his silence appears as rude, but his muted worries drift away to try and blend with the tumbling clouds when you cling close to him as the two of you fall into step. Ruki earns a kiss on the his lips, turned chapped from the crispness of the hot night wind, and he notes that yours taste like strawberries.

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