9. Aoba Seragaki x Reader | Electric Blue Crown

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. character : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder

. requested by : ClarinetWarrior

. 08172017

. in which aoba and his girlfriend are inconvenienced by a couple hundred miles, and strict schedules, and the only time they get to feel like boyfriend and girlfriend is late into the night, and even then, they're only provided with PCs and a shitty connection.

[ a/n ]: DRAMAtical Murder is another anime im not very familiar with, as i've only seen the first episode, so please don't request anymore ;DD [  but guys i would love you all eternally if you requested Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, Haikyuu!!, Free!, or Diabolik Lovers pls ]

x x

Aoba watched patiently, as the screen loaded. His back slumped, weighed down by his fatigue, and his hands were clasped tightly together beneath the desk. His eyes followed after the white circle that had continuously looped for the past four minutes, and he was startled when the video call finally appeared on the screen.

Taking up majority of the screen, was a cluster of multicolored pixels that were yet to focus and form into something. A rectangle, much smaller, and in much more quality, took up the lower right of the screen, where Aoba's face was displayed. The boy noticed how much more pronounced his eyebags had become in the past week. He rubbed at his eyes, as if it would get scrubbed away by doing so.

When he looked at himself on the computer screen, he wasn't surprised that they were still there, just as clear as ever.

Much to his relief, another person greeted him on the computer screen, and it wasn't his reflection. Taking up majority of the screen, was Aoba's girlfriend, who was in a cotton tee and a messy bun, with some strands of hair too short to bun framing her face.

She wiped her hand across her face, before she greeted Aoba with a warm smile. "Hi!" she greeted with fervor, and immediately, Aoba felt his spirits rise, and he managed a smile.


[y/n]'s smile faltered, although she adjusted it, and it was prim and perfect once again. In the blurry pixels, and in the time delay from when Aoba opens his mouth and when she can hear the audio input, she could tell he was tired.

A chunk of his electric blue hair pointed upwards, looking like the horn of a juvenile goat, though she didn't dare point it out. Behind Aoba, in even poorer-quality-pixels, was the disorganized cluster of Aoba's things that sat on top of another desk. The room was dark, and [y/n] couldn't see past Aoba's chair, but she saw clumps of black that looked as messy and poorly-kept-together as the boy sitting in front of him.

Throughout the entire time [y/n] scrutinized the darker portion of Aoba's conversation, they exchanged light conversation, like how their week was, or about some annoying co-worker they were forced to tolerate for the sake of not being forced to eat daily meals of instant noodles. Each had elicited a giggle or a snort out of the other, and it was more rewarding than their bosses' "Good job!"s and "Nice work!"s.

There was a silent pause after that, and [y/n] used the chance to quickly think of more conversation topics so that Aoba wouldn't fall asleep on her like the last time. And in the silence, Aoba fixed his jacket, and he yawned, quickly blinking away the forming tears.

And it was when it finally dawned on [y/n] just how much Aoba was sacrificing for their video call, and she felt guilt wash over here like a wave. Her lips sunk, and once again, her eyes flitted to the dark bags under his eyes, and she noticed the way Aoba's eyes drooped, a habit of his whenever he was desperately trying to fight sleep.

"Aoba," she coaxed his name out of her mouth tenderly, and Aoba raised an eyebrow, making a soft 'hmm'. "Have you been sleeping properly?"

He shook his head, and the single goat horn hair cluster broke apart into three unequal parts, and it now resembled a tiny, electric blue crown.

"Hey, we can just talk tomorrow if you're tired," [y/n] offered, a tone of concern added to her voice.

"No no no it's fine," he insisted, "I really missed hearing your voice, and just - missed you in general."

You 'aww'ed, grinning at your boyfriend, before the sound of your door swinging open disrupted your moment of intimacy. Your head spun to the doorway, where your coworker stood, the same you bitched about to Aoba, and she was chewing gun, chewing it loudly.

"Boss is calling you," was all she said, "says it's important."

You gave her a thumbs-up, and she nodded, before she spun around and walked away, closing the door behind her. You turned back to the screen, and Aoba was staring at something to his right.

"I have to go now, sorry," you said. He responded with a listless nod.

"Hey," you said, with a bit of force, Aoba turned to the screen. "I love you, Aobe. Never forget that, okay?"

"I love you too." The screen on Aoba's computer screen turned black, and it displayed the duration of the call, which was only a measly nine minutes, and Aoba dragged the mouse to the "x" icon and exited the video call. With a few more clicks and frustrated, tired sighs, he shut down his computer before trudging towards his bed, nearly tripping over a random encyclopedia a friend had given to him on Christmas.

And, despite his tiredness, he found himself lying awake for several more minutes, recalling every detail of your face, and how some lone strands of your hair stuck out in the air, or the way you looked as you talked about your insufferable coworker.

It was kinda unfair, how he looked like he just bathed in a dumpster, and while you, in all your candidness, still managed to look more and more beautiful every time he saw you for your weekly video calls.

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