36. Levi Ackerman x Reader | The Man in Monochrome, with the Fierce Steel Eyes

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》characters: Levi Ackerman | Attack on Titan

》requested by: RainOverMyHead


》MODERN AU; "Baby, it's only dangerous if you don't hold on to me."

Wherein Levi's endowed in a tattoo no bigger than the mouth of a wine glass; of a pair of wings in the ancient, ultimate contrast of black and white. The feather tips fall just below his ear, and it stretches when he turns his head to look at the dusty unions of an intersection. All you've been endowed (from Levi, no less,) is a helmet that smells more like manly shampoo than sweat, enduring your screams of terror as Levi puffs the afternoon away.

[a/n]: yoooo! back at it again with another request and another change in writing format because i'm largely inconsistent like that anyway let us proceed-


Your pondering follows obediently above you like a plague of storm clouds, rolls of condensation pasted so closely together, so darkly, that beach-goers (Foreign tourists that are already branded with red sunburns and band-aids of overdue sunscreen,) fold their towels and swim their sorrows away in the savory relief of pirated music. Your brows join together on a spot above your head, your thinking deep enough that you spare nothing but a sideways glance meant far too peeved than you would have liked to the people you nearly collide clothed shoulders with.

Your pace is caught between an awkward fastness as you try to escape the pool of yawning students and a slowness neither tantalizing nor comedic (It's when you're distracted by something, like a bird with a plume colored distinctively different from the puffy little things that chirp their way around, or the harmonious baritone of Levi's voice.) Your legs cross each other several times, and you find it too troublesome to count the deviations, but it looks quite like a professional, slender model on the glimmering silver runway in an exotic outfit and crested cheekbones.

It's a few dozen more footsteps soundless enough that the storm clouds of your ponder continue to haunt the air around you until your gait reflects its ferociousness and you utter the university campus goodbye with a breath of fresh air; air that isn't hot enough your skin boils nor air that isn't cold enough that the exhales crystallize into something you admire before it dissipates (You'd laugh at it, try to pop it like it was a shiny bubble, but those were things of your glorious childhood,) it was air fresh enough your lungs are reminded of their aliveness.

You greet the parking lot with a rise of your shoulders, a quickening in your pace. The trees that dome it are older than the parking lot itself with paint that still stand sturdy against the threat of erosion; there are trees that might've been older than the campus itself, but they've been shaved of most of their great, reaching branches or degraded to hopeless stumps that smokers, students and chaperones alike, rest their asses on as they pull a pack out of their pockets.

(You wonder if those ancient trees that have been sawed down were crafted into the doors of one of your classrooms, or packed and driven two hundred miles away to be made into the polished floors of a suburban home of a family of four- who knows, really?)

The shadows play funny shapes on the dark ground, that's littered with cigarette butts, a different color for every cigarette butt you see, and the cheap plastic containers of street food. They flutter from place to place the same way the raps of your shoes take you closer and closer to a destination you've anticipated with bouncing legs since the damp morning.

"You look more excited about this than I first thought," Levi muses with a genuinely surprised tilt of his head.

Levi sat against the expensive leather of his leaning motorbike; he looks like a statue erected in honor of a person of prominence, chiseled to perfection, admired for many years. He slides off the seat, offering a lazy flick of his wrist. Hello. You wave back, properly, with a smile, though it's a smile Levi doesn't return.

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