22 | speechless

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ethan's pov

"ethan!" i wake up to someone barging into my house. i feel asleep with ria on me, she's still sleeping.

"lexi?" i ask.

"were you sleeping and who's that?" lexi asks me.

"shhh" i don't want to wake ria up. i get up slowly and bring lexi into another room.

"yes i was sleeping and thats ria" i tell her.

"that's ria???" she's shocked. i've told her about ria before but she's never met her.


"why does she look so familiar?"

"i don't know. that's what i thought when i met her"

"okay but this isn't what i came to tell you" lexi pauses. "ariana...she's-she's-" lexi starts to tear up.

"we don't know that" i tell her as i brought her into a hug and start rubbing her back.

lexi pulls away from me. "yes she is! she's been gone for almost 3 years ethan-"

"but they haven't found her body" i interrupt her.

"she could be in a lake, a river, dead in someone's house for all we know! ethan i can't live like this anymore. i appreciate the fact of you helping me find her but" lexi pauses. "she's gone" lexi sniffles.

i put my head down in disappointment. i don't believe it.

"you're her sister, why are you giving up on her?" i argue with her.

"ethan, i'm not giving up on her. it's called live. she's gone. you can think what you want but i'm going to stick with the police on this. the case is being closed tomorrow" lexi walks off and slams the door, still sniffling from the tears that were rolling down her face.

i just stand there in the room that we were in.  i get out and see ria is awake and is now talking to lexi.

rias pov

"why don't you take a photo? it will last longer" lexi said to me.

i didn't know what to say. i was just starring at her, speechless.

"sorry" i said.

"you must be ria. ethan's told me a lot about you" she smirked. she's so much different than the last time i saw her.

"really?" i said. "i didn't know ethan talked about me to be honest"

"yeah" lexi came up close to me and whispered. "just between us. i think he really likes you" she got up and walked away. "bye" she said as she walked out the door.

"so i see you met lexi" ethan walked in and sat next to me.

"yeah. she seems nice" i told him.

"she is. but don't piss her off" yeah she'll get you if you do.

"right. got it" i tell him.

we watched movies the rest of the night. it was great. grayson even joined us.

authors note:
this was really short i'm sorry.
the next chapter things are going to get interesting😏

good night. love you all❤️

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