When he hits you.

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"Why were you looking at her!" I yell at taylor. I know I shouldn't be mad that he was looking at another girl but its his ex girlfriend so yeah I'm upset. Now we are in his bedroom yelling a eachother.

"Cause I wanted to your over reacting" he barks back.

"I'm not over reacting you guys had a past so yeah I'm gonna be upset with you" I yell at him.

He gives me a 'wtf' look and pushes past me.

"DONT WALK AWAY FROM ME TAYLOR" I am full blown screaming now.

"You seriously want to know why I was looking at her" he rolls his eyes . His voice is low and intimidating but I stand my ground.

"Yes I do" I cross my arms.

"Shes better in bed than you" he retorts back smirking.

"It's okay I'm not offended. Cameron taught me everything I know" I fight back with as much venom in my voice as him.

"Your such a bitch" he says and my cheek begins to sting.

Then I realize something.

"YOU JUST HIT ME?!" I scream at him and he looks taken aback and shocked. Then realization crosses his face.

He puts his hands up to his mouth and his eyes go wide.

"Oh my god Y/N I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking I'm sorry shit I'm sorry I'm sorry im sorry I can't believe I did that I would never intentionally hurt you shit" he swears and paces are the room.

I sit down on his bed still in shock.

"I can't date you" I tell him with tears brimming my eyes.

"Y/n wait no please don't break up with me you can't throw away a year and three months please I'm sorry I'm sorry" he says with ready as as he sits between my legs .

"Please I'm sorry" he says again searching my eyes. I let out a tear.

"I love you so much taylor but you just hit me" I say in disbelief.

"I know I did baby it won't happen again shit I'm a horrible boyfriend I'm sorry." He puts his head in his hands.

"If it happens again I'm out of here" I tell him standing my ground and he nods.

"I love you" he says kissing my cheek.

"I love you too" I sigh .

Taylor Caniff ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz