When he hurts you

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"Y/n just stop. You know what just get out I can't deal with this shit right now" taylor laughs at you harshly.

You guys have been fighting ALL day and you don't even know why. He's just on his man period.

"And where am I suppose to go? We're in a hotel room dumb ass" You snark at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Why do I have to date such a cunt" he whispers to himself and your eyes get water at his cruel words.

"Your such an ass I can't fucking stand you like I really don't know why I'm still here" you head for the door . The next thing you know is he pushes you from behind and you hit your head off the door.

You quickly turn around and crawl up against the door holding you knees as you begin to cry. He's never hurt you before.

"Look what you made me do!' He yells at you and you cry harder.

"Fuck I'm sorry Y/N" he apologizes but you shake your head.

"You fucking dick you just threw me against a door and your just like 'oh sorry' like suck my dick asshole" you yell at him.

Taylor Caniff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now