When he leaves for magcon

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"Y/n? Wakeup baby Were about to leave for the airport" he shakes me as I wakeup.

"Okay" I get up and head to the car.

We drive the hour drive in silence because honestly I'm too upset to talk. He's going away for 2 months this time and its hard for me.

Once we get into the airport we walk him to his flight gate and wait until his flights called.

"Baby please talk" he kisses my ear and that's when a tear falls from my eye.

"No don't cry baby. I won't be gone for that long" he kisses my cheek and I cry harder.

"No I don't want you to go" I cry into his shoulder as people give us sympathetic looks.

"Please don't go I'm gonna miss you so-" he cuts me off by kissing me. He slips his tongue into my mouth so he can distract me from him leaving.

Once his flight gets called he pulls away and I throw my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my body.

"Baby ill be back before you know it. You can come up whenever you want and ill try to come home when I can alright?" He rubs my back and I nod.

"I love you" I kiss his lips one last time.

"I love you too" he pulls away but kisses me.

"Bye" I wave wiping my tears off as he walks through the gate.

I cry a little more but as soon as I got home and he got off his flight we face timed

Taylor Caniff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now