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You guys me and my boyfriend Brokeup today 😭 we have been talking for about a year and it really sucks !): so I'm writing a breakup chapter because I'm really hurt.

"What do you mean?" I ask my best friend Jude and he sighs frowning.

"Last night he was at a party . He went upstairs with some blonde girl and they were up there for a while" he explains and my heart drops.

"He- he cheated?" Tears begin to fill in my eyes and Jude pulls me into a hug.

"Go talk to him okay? He told me he wanted to breakup so I don't know what's going on" Jude kisses my head. I nod and run out the door flying to my car.

I quickly hop in starting the engine zooming to Taylor's house.

Once I arrive I turn the ignition off and just spend a minute in the car thinking about what to do. After a minute or so I breathe in.

You can do this. It's okay. Just breathe its gonna be alright . I tell myself repeatedly.

I get out of the car slamming the door as I walk up the drive way.

I knock on the door and taylor answers right away slightly smiling.

"Hey can we talk?" I ask emotionlessly and he nods.

"Of course come in" he opens the door a bit more so I can squeeze in.

We walk up to his room silently and I take a deep breathe before I speak.

"I think we should breakup" the words slip out of my mouth and the tears blur my vision.

He smiles "what no" he says carelessly and I shake my head frowning.

"You said you wanted to" the tears begin to fall. "I would do anything for you, even if it means me getting hurt" I wipe the tears away .

"We can stay friends" he offers an I shrug hugging him as he holds out his arms for me.

"Just don't make it awkward" I laugh through the tears and he smiles.

"The stuff that Jude told you, it was true" he admits.

I run out of his room and into my car where I begin to sob. He didnt even seem like he cared! I can't believe this.

I wait for him to come chasing after me but once I realize he isn't coming I start my car and drive off.

I would do anything for him. Even if it means breaking up to make him happy.

His happiness is most important.

Taylor Caniff ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang