When he breakups with you

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Lol sorry guys Taylor's breaking up with you in this one!

"Come over we need to talk" Taylor says then hangs up the phone.

Oh well then. I roll my eyes. So me and Taylor haven't been getting along lately. He's just been pushing me away. It's annoying me but I still have to put up with it.

I grab my car keys off the counter in the kitchen and head out to my car. I hope and it's put the keys in the ignition turning the car on as it roars to life.

Taylor's how's is only about a block or 2 away so it's only a 5 minute drive. Convenient though.

Once I pull up to his house I take the keys out of the car and throw them into my purse.

I hop out the car and walk straight into Taylor's house seeing he is the only home.

I head up to his bedroom knowing he's probably up there. I let myself in to see he's laying on his bed.

"Hey" I go over and kiss his cheek but he stiffens.

"Hey" he loosens up as I move away from him which makes me scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion.

"You wanted to talk?" I say slowly sitting on the end of his bed.

He breathes in sharply and cuts straight to the point "I need space. I think it's best we take a break" he sighs. My breathing hitches and I nod.

"Wait no Taylor I know we have been fighting lately but we can fix things" I try to convince him but he shakes his head.

"I lost feelings" he looks me in the eyes and that's when the tears fall.

"You fell out of love with me?" I ask shocked and he shakes his head no.

"I'm confused" I wipe my tear stained cheeks

"I still love you but the feelings aren't there" he looks away and stares at the wall once again.

"Okay. Um I think I should go" my voice comes out frail and hoarse.

He nods and sits up as I scoot closer to him.

I hug him one last time and kiss his lips knowing it might be the last time.

I pour all of my feelings into it and he kisses back before pulling away.

"Bye" more tears fall out of my eyes as I stand up to leave. As soon as I close his door that's when I breakdown.

I hear him through the door say "shit" but I walk out of his house after that.

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