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Sup biotches ! Lol just kidding I love you guys !(: but me and my boyfriend got back together !(; so you guys asked for more sad/dirty imagines so ill start with the sad since I'm best at them!(: love y'all please keep commenting and voting(:


"I don't know what's going on with you anymore! You won't talk to me and I can't help you if you don't talk to me." Taylor says yelling at first but by the end of his sentence his voice reaches a whisper.

"I don't want to live! I don't want to do this anymore taylor ! You can't help me no one can help me! I'm only hurting you taylor. Can't you see? I'm like a disease . Your the medicine taylor your trying to cure me but you just can't ! Im not curable !" I yell with tear stained cheeks, more tears spill down my face but I'm to busy being upset to wipe them away.

"I don't know what to do. I'm scared for you I'm honestly scared that your going to hurt yourself. I'm scared" taylor begins to cry and I shake my head crying harder.

"I'm gonna go home okay?" I walk up to him and kiss his cheek quickly, I hurry up out the door before he can even say a word.

I run home and carry my tired body up the steps that lead to my bathroom.

I open up the drawers and search for what I've been looking for, my way out.

Once I find the pills I take them all into my mouth swallowing hard.

Sitting down into my bathroom floor I call taylor and he picks up on the first ring.

"Hello? Y/n?" He answers the phone with a shaky voice,

"I'm sorry taylor I took them all, I'm sorry I love you" I say then hangup the phone. I close my eyes and let the darkness take over me.


"Y/n! No come on wakeup" I scream at her lifeless body , I pick her up and place her body into the bathtub starting the shower, I get in behind her and hold her tightly.

Crying I put my fingers into her mouth as i try to make her throw up the pills.

"Y/n?" I call out with a pleading voice.

I look at her stomach to see it is no longer rising. Shes gone.

"Y/n no please no" I sob into her hair holding her tight.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I scream.

"HELP SHES DEAD PLEASE HELP BRING HER BACK" I beg sobbing harder and harder into her head.

"HELP!" I scream one last time before I pick her body up and carry her down to my car.

I place her into the back seat gently before I run around to the side of my car stumbling to get into the drivers seat.

Tears blur my vision and thoughts cloud my mind as I drive off to the hospital . They have to save her. They need too!

I swerve into the intersection not caring if there's a red light or not. I'm to distracted by y/n to care.

But quickly bright lights and a car horn block my vision and before I know it I slip into a deep dark sleep.


"Hello?" I call out as I walk around the grass land .

"Hello ? Where am I!" I call out looking around with tears still blocking my vision.

"Taylor? Why are you here! You were so young" I turn around to see Jackson an old friend of mine that passed away.

"Where am I ? Where is Y/N?" I run up to him shaking his shoulders and he laughs .

"Your in heaven, you died taylor . Wait. The new girl? She just got here too! Ill take you too her follow me" Jackson leads the way across a bridge to a group of kids sitting down.

"Shes right through there" he hits my back . I walk to the direction he pointed too and head through some rocks.

I see her long beautiful hair and I run and hug her.

"Oh my god Im so sorry I wasn't there for you" I cry into her shoulder and she kisses my lips.

"Hey. We're together now. We can be together forever now Taylor" she promises and I nod smiling.


Taylor Caniff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now