Sad imagine

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*may be triggering ! Btw this is what I want y boyfriend to me like its so cute and sad):*

'I can't so this anymore. No one even likes me. They wouldn't care if I died. I'm worthless. I'm nothing. I'm weak and broken. I haven't no one. I have nothing.'

I think to myself as I slide the blade across my skin. The blood drips down my wrist and onto the floor as I burst out in tears.

The door flies open and I look up to see taylor with an unreadable expression on his face.

He knows I cut myself so this isn't something new for him.

He walks past me and grabs a towel out of the cabinet before he sits next to me on the floor. He pulls me in between his legs so my back is pushed against his chest. He holds the towel to my wrist and rocks me back and fourth. The only sound you hear is my crying.

"We're gonna get through this okay? Your so beautiful. I know you don't think so but your so gorgeous to me baby. " Taylor says placing a soft kiss behind my ear. His words make me cry harder.

"It's okay baby. Your okay just take deep breaths. We're gonna figure this out alright. Just focus on me nothing else. Just me okay?" He ask and I nod.

"Breath in and out. Deep breaths baby. Listen. The world is a better place with you here. You make life 10000x better for everyone . Your an amazing person and were gonna get through this. Okay?" He says slowly and I nod sniffling a little.

He sighs and runs a stressed hand through his hair.

"Alright let's get you too your bed you need to sleep alright" he says before he picks me up off the bathroom floor and carries me too my room.

He shuts the door behind him and sets me on my bed and covers me with my blanket.

"I'm sorry" I say in a hushed whisper.

"What? No baby don't be sorry it's okay it's alright . Your okay" he climbs into the bed next me to and wraps me in his arms.

"Please don't leave me. I'm scared" I honestly tell him.

"I'm not going anywhere. Shhh just go to bed sweetheart." He says before he hums me too sleep.

I hear "I love you baby' before I'm out like a light..

Taylor Caniff ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz