Amuesment park

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Dedicated to Get_Like_Me_23

I think that's your user sorry if I got it wrong! Thankyou for the idea!! Btw roller coaster is actually called thunderbolt. I looked it up on the best or something like that. It looks fun so look it up lol.

Yay! Me and taylor are going to a theme park today. I'm so exited !

We just got here about 15 minutes ago and right now were waiting in line for a wooden roller coaster. It's called Thunder Strike. It's suppose to be really fast so I'm exited.

"You ready?" Taylor ask holding my hand as we make our way onto the ride. I get in on the right since its smaller riders first.

"Yup!" I say popping the 'p'.

The lap bar comes down on top of us along with a seatbelt that goes over our laps.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the cart at all times. We will see you back in the station in just 2 minutes!" The loud speaker blast as we speed down a hill.

"WHO PUTS A HILL AS SOON THE ROLLER COASTER TAKES OFF" I whisper scream as we fly down a hill.

Taylor laughs as we round a bend and go down another hill doing a double sip so the cart bounces off the track.

"This is actually really fun so far" I kiss his cheek an he agrees. We go up a hill and round another bend until we're on the highest point of the coaster.

"You ready?" Taylor ask and I nod as we fly down the hill and around a bend making a sharp right. We go back up a hill and as soon as we're up we go back down a hill. Then another hill . Before I know it we fly down one last hill and the ride ends coming to a stop.

"That was so much fun can we ride it again?" Taylor ask like a 3 year old.

"Yeah let's go!" I pull him back into the line.

Taylor Caniff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now