~Chapter Twenty~

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FYI, halfwaybthis chaoter it switches P.O.V, this Point of view is from Kaylee (name from @mojo_horse ) the female werewolf seen in the first book, and in chapter two, who... you know... with Percy...
Well, she gets part of this chapter, that's it.

•Point of view: Percy•

The Amazons had gone to their main base, and set down a cage in the storage room. The Amazones quickly threw a blanket over my cage, not wanting to see that monster -me- again. I was on the floor of its cage, twitching at any sound. The Amazones didn't know what to think, because they didn't know what was actually happening.


"Come on pup." Lupa said, as she let the small wolf follow her. "I will show you the ways of the wild. You can become a great wolf, but not if you know he ways of the wild."

The small wolf let out a little yowl, to show he understood, and followed its mother.


I stood up, howled out in pain, and slowly turned into a wolf. I howled in happiness, but then it saw that it was in a small cage, growling and howling fiercely. Quickly two Amazons came, and took of the blanket from the cage, and saw that I had shifted. I growled, making sure that the Amazons backed off.

"Get Queen Hylla!" One of them shouted, "She must interrogate this beast!"


Lyacon smiled. "Your memory is coming back, that's great!"


Again I shifted, turning into the humanoid wolf again, and tried to break the bars, but quickly spearheads, started scratching over my legs, and chest. Blood started pouring out of the scratches.


"First I'm going to break you, and then I'm going to re-make you to my will"


"No." I muttered, as is started shifting into a human. "You will die Lyacon, you will be the one to be broken."

A spearhead poked slightly in my chest. I growled, and before it could be pulled back, I had taken the spear in my hands, and pulled it to my side. "You will not stop me Amazons, I will have my revenge." I took the bars in my hands, and tried breaking them, till I heard a gunshot, and felt a tranquilliser dart hit my leg. I look up, and saw Hylla standing there.

"Hylla," I whispered, as I slowly fell to the ground. "Help me."

•Point of view: Kaylee•

I walked through my room. I picked up a vase and threw it against the wall. I had never been more ashamed of myself. I should never had taken revenge on him. I should never had excepted the choice to do that to us. I ran out of my room, running towards the king of all werewolves, Lyacon.

I knocked on the door to Lyacons's throne room. I heard Lyacon shouting that I could enter. I entered the throne room, seeing that a werewolf biologist had just talked to him. He seemed pleased, that made my chance of getting my request forfilled bigger.

"Kaylee." I heard him say. "What is it that you want?" He asked.

"My lord, I whish to have run wild for a few months, I have a few personal matters to attend too."

Lyacon nodded, as he looked at me noticing that there was a difference between my normal self, and myself now. I hoped he wouldn't notice. "Very well." He said. "Come back as soon as your problems are done with." He said, as he motioned with his hands for me to leave. "I have important business to attend to, an old experiment of mine has worked out, surprisingly."

I nodded. "Yes my lord." I turned around, and shifted, and ran through the castle, and into the forest. He must not know that I was pregnant of the werewolf prince's cubs.

Next time: find out what Lyacon old experiment is, and what has succeeded, and maybe a little about Hylla/Percy.

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