An Unexpected Return

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The storm had abandoned the forest in a state of chaos. The small road leading from the palace to the forest path was blocked by fallen trees and large branches scattered on the ground. They rode past them quite easily, though. After a short while, the elves rode slightly north, leaving the small path.

Ari would not have noticed the hidden path which eventually led to a small but beautiful forest dwelling. The house had been constructed of wood, and beautiful carvings where embedded in the timber. A small fountain adorned its surroundings, but its once crystal clear waters were now muddy and dark.

Ari's eye caught a young deer trapped under a fallen young tree. She immediately dismounted Aro and walked over to it. It was alive but its hind legs were trapped between the tree and a pile of rocks. Ari caressed the deer's head as it shied away from her, and whispered soothing words to its ear. In a dutiful effort she lifted up the slender tree carefully and the deer was allowed to free itself from its trap.

She smiled with contentment as the deer hobbled away into the deeper forest. When she turned around she saw Marten standing not far from her. He had notched an arrow in his bow which he had aimed at the deer before Ari had freed it. He looked furious now and accused her of robbing them of their well deserved lunch.

Ari ignored him and turned to walk back towards Aro. She looked up and it was then when she noticed the king on his horse watching their exchange attentively. Their eyes met briefly and Ari wondered at the unreadable expression on his face. Without any more delay, she mounted Aro and they continued their journey through the forest.

"If we continue in this pace, we will never reach Dale," Arlos exclaimed, his voice slightly upset.

To Ari's concern the king asked, "Have you grown tired of my hospitality?"

Arlos turned to find the king riding next to him, "Nnn... no, your highness," he stuttered, obviously perplexed by the king's sudden vicinity.

"Please excuse my choice of words. I did not mean to offend you," he tried, sounding less convincing than he had intended.

At least he knows how to behave himself in front of the king, Ari thought. Arlos rode ahead and Ari suddenly found herself riding next to the king.

"You did not take full advantage of my hospitality last night," he said, his voice smooth and underlined with a hint of curiosity.

She looked up at the king questioningly and slightly worried.

"I found you sleeping in the stables this morning," he explained. "Did the room in which you were accommodated not suit your taste?"

Ari was deeply concerned. She had heard tales of the elf king's bad temper and she definitely did not want to awaken it.

"Please forgive me, your highness," she ventured. "I felt honored to be given shelter in your realm. As for my sleeping arrangement, I must confess that I felt safer close to my horse than spending the night with my travel companions in the room which was offered to us."

The king gave her a stern look and Ari felt her heart beat quicken and her throat tightening uncomfortably. She had done it. She had angered the king. Ari feared kings and their wrath and she feared this one more as he was an elf king. And with elf kings she lacked experience.

"Please forgive me if my words have angered you, your highness. The presence of my horse is something I can rely on, but the company of those men whom I travel with could turn out to be unexpected and unwanted." She hoped he understood the meaning of her words, however, by the look in his face she knew she had to explain further. "I can spend nights around them in the open. But being in a room with them at night makes me feel very vulnerable. I do not wish to ignite situations and opportunities which might bring me into difficulties."

Ari suddenly felt hot. Heat radiated from her face. Of course she had to blush... She felt embarrassed, and her physical reaction made it obvious to all, not only to the king who was still riding next to her. Had she uttered something offensive? Why did he say nothing?

Thranduil's silence and his piercing gaze were incredibly annoying and Ari sighed as she could not stand it anymore. "I simply cannot share a room with a male. That's all. That's why I chose the stable."

Now Ari was really upset with herself. Why had she told him?

"Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way. I am a woman who is traveling around this world alone – well, with my horse, Aro. I have to make my own decisions, and I must face the consequences of my actions. I am only protecting my honor."

It was out and Ari could not care less. She looked back in his face and saw that the expression had not changed.

"If that be so," Thranduil said, "I am glad to have offered you a safe place for one night. But there are many more nights to come and your life is long. You might have to choose a protector one day and settle somewhere."

Thranduil looked into her eyes and she felt lost. He was piercing deep into her soul and she felt her feelings stir. Suddenly her heartbeat slowed down and everything around her became hazy and still. She felt numb. Although she wanted to, she could not break his gaze. Images of her village floated in her mind, images of her childhood, her brother, Dirlind's death, battles... The seashore where she used to wander... The wild forest near its borders where she had been raised. Her journey begun, she had left her home, traveling now through the lush pastures of...

STOP! Her mind screamed out. Ari was totally shocked. He was staring into her mind! He could see what she had seen! How could she have been so careless? Why had she let her guard down? How could he do this? How dared he do this? With great difficulty she managed to break free from his invading, demanding gaze. She pressed her eyes closed and shook her head. Ari focused on her center and shut herself again. When she looked back at the king, his expression was very thoughtful.

When a guard called out to the king, he broke his gaze and left her side without looking back.

She had heard stories about elves with such powers. Ari remembered the dream she had near the elven forest when they traveled up the Anduin. Those eyes in her dream had been similar, yet very different. Gentle and inquiring, not demanding and forcing like the king's eyes had been just a few moments ago.

There was trouble. Even if Ari could not understand what was being said between the elves, she could feel the energy around them change dramatically. She gasped for air when she felt waves of anger rolling towards her side. Ari could neither comprehend why she felt them, nor where they came from. But they were there, and they were one of the most distressing things she had ever felt. Ari tried to shake the feeling off and looked ahead. The king seemed furious as he yelled orders. Suddenly all elves turned around and changed direction. They were riding back towards the palace. Ari was confused and Marten raised his voice.

"We are traveling to Dale. We will continue to do so," he exclaimed.

He was about to turn to the opposite direction towards the forest road when a few elf guards stopped him. When Marten insisted on traveling on to Dale, the elves drew their weapons.

The king passed them saying, "We return to the palace at once!"

Marten retorted angrily, "We are traveling to Dale!"

At that, the king sounded incensed. "You will return as my guest. NOW!"

Marten shook his head emphatically. "What if we do not?"

Thranduil's voice was very low but threatening. "In that case, you will return as my prisoners!"

Nothing else was said as they rode back to the palace. Once they arrived, Ari led Aro to the stable by herself. She sat down near him on the scattered hay and opened her bag. She had not eaten since the previous morning and she was hungry, almost starved. Ari had become used to long travels in her life and she could endure hunger. But not for too long. She ate some of the bread and gave one apple to Aro that accepted it with eagerness.

Why are we back in the palace? she wondered. Ari pondered over this question for some time and finally decided to leave Aro in the stable to find her travel companions. Perhaps they had received information regarding the sudden change of situation.

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