A Wife's Desire

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Ari had finished bathing and slipped on a fine summer dress. There was no need for Hurwen to request her to lie down again. Ari felt so unexpectedly tired that she immediately lay down in her bed as soon as she had dressed. She only asked Hurwen for some fresh water to drink and closed her eyes, her body overwhelmed by a mixed sense of relaxation and unusual exhaustion after her bathing. When a few minutes had passed, the maid gently shook Ari's shoulder, as she was obviously falling asleep.

"My lady, please do not fall asleep. The king forbids it. You are not allowed to sleep while he is absent," she reminded softly.

Ari fluttered her eyes open with difficulty and glanced at Hurwen. She yawned and sighed deeply. "I know. In this case, he should be coming back soon. I can't stay awake for much longer."

Hurwen nodded and left the queen's side for a moment to send a guard in request of the king's return. It did not take long before Thranduil reached the chambers. He was accompanied by his son, Galadriel and Elrond. Galion was on his way to find Menethil.

Legolas sat at the edge of the bed and grinned at Ari. "I had hoped that this would happen sooner or later. But I am happy beyond words that it happened immediately after your wedding."

Ari answered him with a faint smile and closed her eyes. Her husband was by her side and she was finally allowed to asleep. Galadriel and Elrond checked on the fлa that had settled in Ari's womb, as did Menethil when she arrived with Galion shortly afterwards.

Blissfulness filled the air in the royal chambers and everybody assured the king that everything seemed to be alright. Ari's unusual fatigue was only due to her new condition. She was with child and there was nothing to worry about. Because of this unexpected event, Galadriel and Elrond decided to stay a while longer in the king's halls, a decision that Thranduil welcomed with a jovial heart. In one year's time he would become a father again. His whole being floated in a state of pure joy and peace at this thought.


Two months had passed since their wedding and Thranduil and Ari could not have felt more blessed, taking delight in every single moment that they spent together. Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel had departed five days ago, an event that had saddened Ari deeply. She had spent a lot of time with Elrond and Galadriel. Both of them had patiently replied to her many questions, and Galadriel had continued to tell her stories about Valinor.

Ari still felt very tired, but she gradually adapted to the new sensation within her body. She was informed that her pregnancy would last for a full year. She had been quite shocked at first, yet she soon became accustomed to the notion of these additional three months during her pregnancy in comparison to an ordinary human one. She spent a lot of time sitting in the garden. If Galion had time, he read her stories from elvish books. During those meetings, Ari had tried to learn her husband's language, yet she had failed miserably. When Thranduil noticed that this caused his wife stress, he decided that was not the proper time for her to engage in the study of Sindarin. This would simply have to wait for a later time.


Thranduil was sitting in his study, deep in thought. He had had many conversations with Elrond and Galadriel during their stay in his realm. One particular talk had been occupying his mind ever since. When they had spoken about his wife, Elrond had mentioned that she had not aged since she had recovered from her illness. That meant that she might continue to age at a normal pace, or hopefully, very slowly. Galadriel still doubted Ari's origins. She had said that a human would not be able to sense a fлa at this stage of pregnancy. A woman would eventually notice that her belly was growing and, at a certain stage, she would come to feel the child moving within her womb. But Ari had been able to sense the presence of the fлa on the very next day after conception. This was highly unusual, or, as Elrond had said, quite impossible. They had discussed several different theories but towards the end of their stay, it was Galadriel who spoke about the impossibility to determine Ari's origin and the length of her mortal life.

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