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It was the afternoon after their betrothal ceremony and Ari was sitting in the royal garden on a bench enjoying the sun, when Thranduil found her.

"My beloved wife, I wish to take you to your new chambers. Could you please follow me?"

Ari smiled and followed him back into the palace. She soon noticed that her new chambers were next to the king's. He led her inside and she was immediately awestruck when she realized they were as impressive as the king's chambers, although the style was of a more subtle nature. She looked around her spacious chamber and smiled happily as she inspected every little detail.

Thranduil stood near the door and watched her excitement with a joyful heart. He had come a long way during the last weeks. Never before would he have thought of having a queen by his side again. A queen that he loved. He walked over to Ari who, in the meantime, had opened a door and wrapped his arms around her.

"These, my lady, are your dresses. I chose the style and fabric and my seamstress was happy to make them for you," he explained and kissed her cheek. "Do you like them?"

Ari freed herself from his embrace and stepped into the wardrobe. There were so many dresses, each of them of a different color and design. She ran her hand over them and felt deeply touched by the king's care.

"They are indeed very beautiful."

Thranduil walked closer to her. "Their beauty will be enhanced when you wear them, my love." He kissed her softly on her lips. "I will return to you for dinner."

With that he left her. Ari looked through the dresses, all made of fine silk, and she was amazed at the elves? skill in dressmaking. Suddenly, she noticed some dresses separately laid and neatly folded but as soon as she picked one of them up, she blushed deeply at the sight. They were transparent, made of sheer fabric. Ari took the whole pile of them and hid them quickly, hoping that the king would never find them. Leaving the wardrobe, she noticed that there was no balcony in her chambers. Instead there were two large windows. She opened one and looked out over the forest.


The day had been very annoying for the king. He had only managed to remain calm by constantly reflecting on his wife and her sensitive feelings. Under no circumstances did he ever wish to upset her emotions again. When he had finally fulfilled his duties for the day, he made for her chambers. Dinner would be ready and he did not want to waste any time. Together they dined on his balcony and Ari seemed to enjoy the meal greatly. Thranduil noticed his wife's excitement.

"What makes you so happy?"

Ari raised her eyes to see him smiling at her lovingly. Within moments her mood changed, she became fearful. She did not want to provoke another angry outburst. Biting her lower lip, she remained silent. Thranduil rose from his chair and knelt next to her, taking her hand in his.

"Why did my question cause you such distress, my lady?"

Ari looked at him, still unsure what to reply. He held her gaze as he waited for her reply.

She sighed deeply. "I feel so free. When I was with the... dwarves... I... I... didn't feel like that," she stuttered.

Thranduil beamed at her words. "I am happy to hear that. But I ask you to never fear to speak to me. Will you do that?"

She nodded in relief. "Yes, my king. I can promise you that."

They returned to the king's chambers where he removed the silver circlet from his head and placed it on a small pillow on his desk. He motioned for her to follow him. "Let us go to your chambers now."

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