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Ari was relieved to realize that they would be having lunch in the king's private dining room and not in the large hall. As she walked into the room she bowed slightly to the king, and then to Legolas, who was - fortunately, she thought- present as well.

They took their seats and began their meal in silence. Ari felt more and more uncomfortable with every moment that went by, with Thranduil's eyes constantly rested on her. She found herself too distressed to be able to eat under these circumstances. Now that the king and his son had finished their meal, she feared it would become even worse. She put down her fork, her plate still full, her appetite gone.

"You have barely touched your food, continue your meal," Thranduil said in a demanding voice.

Ari silently cursed herself for her full plate. Now both the king and his son were watching her.

"Tell me, what is your favorite food?" the king broke the awkward silence.

"Soup and bread," her response came immediately.

Thranduil was surprised. "That is very simple food. Is there anything else you would like?"

"Apple pie."

Legolas smiled broadly. He too loved apple pie. Full of enthusiasm he asked, "Can you bake us one?"

Thranduil gave Legolas a stern look which went unnoticed by Ari. She was too focused on finishing her meal.

"Yes, of course. My mother taught me how to bake."

"What else did she teach you?" Thranduil inquired.

"Everything a girl needs to know. When my parents grew old, I managed the household all by myself."

"What about your father? Do you have any siblings?" The king expressed genuine interest.

"My father Rawi was a good man. He always sided with the good. My brother Faran did the same. They were always concerned about the welfare of everyone else in the village."

"You speak of them in the past. Have they all died?" Legolas asked softly.

Ari gave a deep sigh. "Yes."

Legolas knew she did not wish to say more, but his father continued.

"How did they die?"

Ari swallowed hard as she felt a huge lump in her throat. "They died of old age."

"What about your brother? He is dead, too. How did he die?" Thranduil was eager to know.

Ari shook her head in grief. "He too died of old age."

Thranduil was confused but not Legolas. Her answers came to confirm his suspicions. There was indeed something peculiar about her. She had avoided to answer his questions about her age over the past two days and he had not insisted, but his father was of a different kind.

"How is it possible that your brother died of old age and you are still so young?" Thranduil insisted. "Were your parents blessed with you very late in their life?" Thranduil could not think of any other possible explanation.

Ari shook her head again with obvious difficulty in swallowing her last bite. "No. My brother was ten when I came to this world and my parents were around thirty-five at that time."

Thranduil eyed her suspiciously. She had sensed his intense curiosity but now she felt a steady vibration of fury emerging from him. She definitely did not want to upset him. Ari decided to continue speaking, hoping to prevent the king from asking more questions.

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