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It was November, and Ari had been having contractions for days. She began to feel very weak and only found a little strength in moments of sleep that she attained with Elrond's help. Elrond judged necessary to administer a concoction that would induce her labor. This decision infuriated Thranduil who was deeply concerned about his child being born a bit more than one month early, yet Elrond assured him that his deeds aimed to ensure that both mother and child would survive. He put Ari in a deep slumber for a few hours, so that she could gather her strength for the imminent birth. When Ari woke up again in the early morning, Elrond had already made all the necessary preparations.

She compliantly drank the herbal mixture that he had handed her and sat on the edge of the bed, nestling her face against her husband's shoulder. Thranduil gently stroked her back in slow and even movements, trying to calm her down. Legolas and Ladrengilon left the royal chambers to wait in the corridor. They saw Menethil running in and out of the chambers throughout the day. Ladrengilon stayed close to his brother all day long, nervous about the commotion around him. Galion remained with the brothers until Elrond emerged from the royal chambers late that night. He looked exhausted when he walked over to them to announce that the baby had finally been born and that she was healthy.

"What about the queen?" inquired Galion anxiously as Elrond had not mentioned Ari.

Elrond closed his eyes and sighed. "I think that she will be alright. The queen is very exhausted and needs to rest. You can go to them when Menethil gives you permission to do so."

"You said that you think that she will be alright. What does that mean?" Galion questioned Elrond.

The Lord of Imladris looked over to Legolas, who held Ladrengilon in his arms. "She has aged again."

That was all he said before he walked back into the royal chambers. Legolas' and Galion's eyes followed him with great concern. In his frustration, Legolas banged his fist against the wall. Galion placed his hand on the prince's shoulder in an effort to soothe him.

"Do not worry. There is a greater purpose behind all this," he tried to assure him. "I have lived a long life and I am telling you that this situation is not an ordinary one. Please believe me when I say that in the end all will be well."

Legolas gazed at him with tears in his eyes. "How can you be so sure"?

"Her arrival in your father's realm has set things in motion, which will bring unfathomable change. Legolas, we are leaving Middle-Earth. Normally, occurrences that bring major changes are arranged and supervised by superior powers. I have chosen to believe that this situation now is one of such kind."

Legolas looked saddened. "And why have you chosen to believe this?"

Galion sighed heavily. "Because otherwise there would be no hope left inside me." He lowered his voice so that Ladrengilon would not hear his words. "If she dies, your father will succumb to grief. He will go to the Halls of Mandos and will be reawakened, yet his heart will never cease to grieve. This kind of pain would never cease to exist within him. It would be eternal. He would eternally suffer from separation."

They sank to the floor, weary by the day's events and reflections, and Ladrengilon fell asleep in Legolas' arms. It was dawn when Menethil finally stepped out in the corridor and allowed them to enter the chambers. Legolas' heart beat fast as he stepped inside. He was bewildered to behold his father sleeping in his wife's arm. In one arm she was holding him while in the other arm, his little sister. He carefully placed Ladrengilon on the bed and sat on the edge of it. Ari looked exhausted, but happy. Legolas caressed her pale face with the back of his hand.

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