Driven By Fate

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The whole kingdom rejoiced at the news of the prince's birth. He had been born under Varda's constellation, just like his mother. It was considered a very auspicious day to be born on and regarded as a good omen by everyone in the realm.

It was the night after the prince's birth and a silver, bright moon had risen in the starry sky. Tonight there would be a feast in honor of the young prince and the announcement of his name. Ari walked deliberately through the main gates of the palace, supported by Legolas who was by her side, holding her arm firmly. Although she felt strong enough to walk by herself, both of them were aware of the king's concerns regarding her health. Following the forest torch-lit path, they soon reached the clearing where a year ago the wedding ceremony had taken place.

Legolas pointed out to Ari that the baby prince had actually been born on the day of the king's and queen's first wedding anniversary. Ari blinked her eyes with bemused realization; in fact, as her pregnancy and the birth of her child had for long occupied most of her thoughts and days, their anniversary had totally escaped her notice. For a few moments, her eyes wandered through the dense forest around her and she breathed in its summer scent, before she seated herself with Legolas still standing by her side. Everyone had already arrived, except the king and the little prince. Ari's thoughtful gaze lay upon the forest lane in anticipation and soon she spotted Thranduil's tall figure emerging from the faint haze of the flame torches. He cradled his small son in his strong arms, his smiling face full of pride, his eyes sparkling with joy. A sight that flooded Ari's heart with pure bliss.

The ceremony began with the elves' worship to the stars in the dark sky. Varda's constellation shone unusually bright tonight, filling Ari's heart with hope. To be born under its influence was auspicious and she wished that in the end everything would be fine. Watching the ceremony, a warm feeling of peacefulness entered her soul. There was something special going on. As Thranduil held the tiny prince with great affection, he spoke a few elvish words. Legolas leaned down to Ari.

"He is going to announce the prince's name," he explained.

Ari nodded and waited in excitement for her husband to announce the name of their son.

Thranduil stood still and for a moment he studied his newborn son's face. Then he looked up and with a determined expression on his face, he exclaimed,


Everybody cheered, and Ari turned to Legolas who was trying to hold back his tears. Looking down at Ari, he translated:

"It means, Valley of Stars."

Ari felt tears flowing down her cheeks. No other name could be more suitable for their son. Thranduil had chosen well.

The celebrations went on and Thranduil walked up to his wife. He placed their son in her arms, smiling at her affectionately. "Do you like the name?"

Ari nodded as she held their son, deeply touched. "It is a beautiful name."

Ladrengilon seemed to be very hungry and so they soon headed back to the palace. It would be better for his wife and son to rest now, Thranduil thought, as they walked through the massive gates.
Ari fell asleep while her son was still suckling at her breast. Thranduil gazed at them, smiling peacefully. No beauty in this world would ever compare to this.

Legolas placed his hand on his father's shoulder. "I am so grateful to the Valar that they have blessed us with her presence," the prince said.

Thranduil nodded. "Yes. She is a blessing, indeed," he agreed and brushed away a strand of hair away from Ari's tranquil face.

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