Of desperation and fear

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Galion stared at his king speechless. Nothing, not even his breath managed to escape his lips.

"My spies informed me that the human girl left Dale earlier today but the guards who followed her returned alone. They also informed me that you have just been to Erebor," said Thranduil as he arched an elegant eyebrow. "What news is there? Where is she? And why did you travel to that cursed mountain?"

Galion could feel his mouth and throat turn dry while he listened to his king. Since when did he have spies in Dale? "My king, Ari has walked into Erebor..." Galion lost his voice momentarily as he watched Thranduil's face turn dark in uncontrolled anger.

The king hissed through gritted teeth. "And...? Where is she now?"

Galion grew nervous. "It appears that she is still there. She is... um... the guard at the gate said that..."

"What did the guard say?" growled Thranduil.

Galion had to tell him the truth, naught but the truth. "My king, she is held in Erebor against her will."

Thranduil could not hold back his anger anymore. He knew she had left Dale, but ...Erebor? The dwarves? He began to shout. "These wretched creatures! Scum! Lower than the dirt in the street! THE KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN!"

Thranduil had risen from his chair. Even to Galion the king looked intimidating.

"Who does he think he is? There is NO king under the mountain. Only a dirty little pig which will squeal for his life when he lies under my boot before I sever his head from its miserable body!" Thranduil's face had turned deep red. "Leave me! NOW!

The king's voice was thundering all over the room as Galion rushed out. The guards outside looked fearfully at him. Galion opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by a loud bang. He suspected that had been the new desk smashed against the door. The loud outburst in the king's chambers continued for a moment and then... silence. A sudden silence. All was absolutely silent. Galion could distinctly hear his own heartbeat as well as those of the guards. The silence fell too deep. Galion was worried. What was happening in there? Why had Thranduil stopped? He stood by the king's door and waited. He knew it was just a matter of time till the king left his chamber and Galion wanted to be the first elf the king would meet.

--- At the same time in Erebor---

Ari sat on her bed. Little did she know what her present situation might cause. She was suffering from a strong headache. She was upset, outraged, she almost felt the urge to kill. She was furious. But why? She had always been calm and peace loving. What had changed? How could this... Then it hit her. The Elvenking. She remembered their connection and how she had been subjected to his furious emotions before. The time when he had become angry while he was around her, she had felt his anger. Was he in Erebor? Had he come? A sudden sharp pain in her side made her gasp. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. What was that? If she felt his anger, she might be able to feel his pain, too. But was this possible? Why would he be injured?

Ari stood up and tried to clear her thoughts. Whatever the elf king was doing right now had to stop. The pain had to have some connection with the king, she thought. Ari tried to concentrate. She would try to connect to him now. Perhaps it would work and he would stop whatever he was doing now. Ari tried to speak to him through her mind.

'Elvenking! You are hurting me!'

A strong emotion overcame her. It was shock and disbelief. Ari asked cautiously, hopefully.

'Are you there? Can you hear me?'

There was no reply. Just silence. But the strong disturbing emotions that tormented her body and mind started to lessen. Ari felt immediate relief. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes in total exhaustion.

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