Returning To The King's Halls

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Ari bathed in the nearby river and dressed. Now they shared lembas bread, which Legolas had carried with him, before they continued their journey. Legolas talked about the forest and was amused at telling Ari tales about some of its previous inhabitants, like the orcs and the giant spiders that sent shivers down her spine. He told her of how the spiders had been hunted down and how their abominable nests had been destroyed. Once it had seemed a never ending battle, but the elves ultimately proved victorious.

It was already afternoon and they were riding along the old forest road when Ari noticed that they had slowed down.

"Legolas, why are we slowing down?"

A contagious smile lit up his face. "If we ride fast, we will have reached my father's halls by nightfall. I thought you would enjoy another night under the starry skies?"

Ari was thrilled at his idea. "Yes, I would love that. Are we going to climb a tree again?"

Legolas laughed. "Of course we will."

That night they lay once again under the starry sky, up on a tree top and talked about Mirkwood and its hidden perils and beauties. They had been quiet for a long time before Legolas spoke.

"In the morning we will reach my father's halls. I wish to be honest with you. I do not know what awaits you there."

Ari was now concerned by the sudden change in Legolas' mood.

"What are you talking about?"

"I had promised my father to gather information about your situation and return home. But I don't know what will happen once you are there. I had secretly hoped to rescue you and, by the grace of the Valar, you are now here with me. My father will not have expected to see you so soon."

He noticed Ari's worried expression and assured her. "Do not worry, my father will be glad that you're safe. He's a complicated elf, deeply scarred by the long darkness in this world. I promise you I'll be there for you, no matter what your future may hold."

Ari felt disturbed by his words and she turned towards Legolas. "I appreciate your speaking to me of your thoughts and concerns openly and honestly. I am only here because of the words you spoke yesterday at the forest gate. They were true. But what you are saying now worries me deeply. I hope that everything will be fine. If you are around, I believe that things will turn out alright. At least, I dare to hope so."

Legolas gave her an uncertain smile. He hoped it would be so. They would soon find out.

Ari had fallen asleep and Legolas could not help but think about his father's words. 'I have not changed much. I try to control myself at every moment. It does not always work. You will continue to withness my anger and fury if you remain here, my son.'

Legolas knew what that meant. It would be quite shocking for Ari to see his father in action. He hoped that his father's relationship with her would develop quickly. It would lessen the burden of his ever-changing moods. Legolas hoped that his father would not be too cold towards her, as he himself had known the coldness of his father all too well.

--- In the King's Halls---

The sun had risen in the sky and Thranduil was waiting. He was waiting for news from Legolas. His son had already met the dwarf. Yet Legolas should have returned the previous night, but he had not. Perhaps he had been delayed. Thranduil did not like to wait. Especially not now.

Galion looked questioningly at the king. Thranduil had been standing there for a long time, lost in his thoughts. "My king, did you hear me?"

Thranduil looked at Galion, "Yes. Yes, I am listening."

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