Out Of Anger Becomes Sorrow And Pain

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Legolas found Galion near the throne hall and together they headed for Legolas' small study to write the letter to Lord Elrond.

"What shall we tell him about this situation?" Legolas asked the king's advisor.

Galion thought for a moment. "We should leave out the details. Just tell him what is absolutely necessary for him to know at this time."

Legolas was about to start writing. "And what would that be, in your opinion?"

Galion suggested, "Let us just tell him that... well... he has bonded with a girl. She is human and.... "

Legolas interrupted him. "We question her being human."

Galion doubted that, too. "There have been some things that raised suspicions, indeed. For instance, the wound on her hand; it was deep but it healed overnight."

Legolas shook his head. "No, no. There is something else. She said that she is a hundred and seven years old."

"When did she say that?" Galion's eyes were widened in surprise.

"When we had lunch," said Legolas. "She had not offered me any answers when I had tried to figure out her age while we were on our way home. But you know how my father is. She had no choice but tell him."

"That is good news indeed," said Galion relieved. "It will give hope to your father. But how is that possible?"

Legolas took his quill in his hand and smiled at Galion. "That is why we are here now. We are writing to Lord Elrond in request for his help."

"And what shall we write to him?" asked Galion.

Legolas raised his eyebrows and laughed. "I thought you were the king's royal advisor. Resume your position as such and tell me."

Galion straightened his back. In Legolas' presence he occasionally failed to remember his office. The king's son was like family to him. "Request Lord Elrond to look into your father's future and ask him to grace us with his presence as soon as possible. That will be adequate and safe. Should the message fall into the wrong hands, it could cause no harm."

Legolas nodded in agreement. "Well said and well thought of. Please find a messenger while I write the letter."

Galion walked out of Legolas' study to fetch the fastest messenger in the kingdom.


After her lunch with the king, Ari had retired to her room to get some rest. It had not taken long before she heard a soft knock on her door.

"Please come in," she said.

An elven maid walked in, along with several others. They were carrying some boxes and immediately started to busy themselves in her room. The elven maid walked over to Ari. "My lady, my name is Galadwen and I am here to serve you," she bowed and smiled at Ari. "I am the seamstress."

Ari was requested to undress herself down to her panties, which made her blush deeply. Galadwen noticed her blushing and handed her a fine silk dress which would serve Ari as a nightgown from now on.

"My Lady, please wear this if you feel uncomfortable. I am here to take your measurements. It will not be long until we leave again."

Indeed, Galadwen was soon gone and Ari was once again left alone. She tried to relax on her bed once more and slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep. At sunset she awoke by another knock on her door. This time it was Hurwen.

"My lady, it is time for dinner. The king awaits your presence."

Ari rose from her bed and Hurwen assisted her to dress. When she was ready, Hurwen led her back to the king's dining room. Ari knocked softly on the door and was surprised to see Thranduil himself open it immediately. He motioned her inside.

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