The Meeting

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After Lady Galadriel's arrival they decided to start their meeting after lunch, which would give her some time to rest from her long journey.

Sitting in the king's study, Galadriel eyed Thranduil with a soft smile on her lips. "Never would I have imagined that you would bond. My heart rejoices in your happiness."

Thranduil gave her a stern look. "My happiness? Do I look happy to you?"

Still smiling, she replied. "Your heart is happy and one day it will be free from its dark shadows, because of her presence in your life. It may take some time, but your suffering nears its end".

Legolas was joyous at Lady Galadriel's words. He hoped that the end of the darkness in his father's heart would come soon.

Galadriel needed some more information. "What else do we know of her?"

Due to Thranduil's foul mood today, Elrond gave her all the details he had known from the previous meeting. From time to time, Legolas stressed a few points. Galadriel listened to Elrond closely.

"Let me repeat. She came here from Gondor and claims that she is a hundred and seven years old. Strange lights emanate from her body while she sleeps. I think I might know of whom we are speaking. I wish to see her now."

Legolas rose from his seat. "Ada, with your permission I will bring lady Ari now."

Thranduil nodded. "Yes, please bring her to us."

Elrond was apparently the only one in the room who had listened to Galadriel's words attentively. "You said you might know of whom we are speaking."

Thranduil looked up and was suddenly very attentive. He had missed that part.

Galadriel's expression was very serious. "Possibly. Around the time Ari traveled up the Anduin, I felt a strange presence in my forest. In fact, I saw a human girl walking in Lothlorien. But she was not really there. I spoke to her but she immediately disappeared on hearing my voice."

Thranduil became very disturbed. "What do you mean by saying 'she disappeared'?"

"She vanished right in front of my eyes." Galadriel said seriously. "There was nothing left of her."

"I have never before heard of something like that. How is that possible?"

Galadriel smiled faintly. "I myself have never experienced something like this before. This is unknown to me. But this woman had definitely been there. There is no doubt in my mind."

A knock on the door caught everyone's attention.

Legolas and Ari walked into the king's study. She looked over to Thranduil who could sense her insecurity and fear. He tried to comfort her through their bond. Ari saw Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel. That was when she stopped and her body tensed.

Galadriel rose from her chair. "I have seen you in my forest."

Ari did not know what to say. She clearly remembered the dream in which she had seen these eyes.

Galadriel approached Ari and took her hand in hers. "I am glad to meet you at last. You did not come to me when I asked. I am glad that we meet again."

Ari felt nervous and bowed slightly to Lady Galadriel who requested her to take a seat. Thranduil got up and moved his chair close to Ari's. He sensed that she would need his presence.

Elrond grinned at the king's unusual behavior.

Galadriel looked deeply into Ari's eyes. "Please, tell us about yourself. Do not fear. We are here to help you."

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