The Sea Of Stars

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Legolas and Gimli had traveled for nearly two days when they finally reached the elven gate. Gimli made his way to the Lonely Mountain and Legolas went straight to Dale with two other guards. He had business there. Afterwards, he would return to the elven gate and watch the borders of the realm.

At Erebor's gates the guards were surprised to stop a dwarf upon a horse. The sight was completely unfamiliar to them. Legolas had insisted that Gimli should ride a horse. After all, there was no time to waste. Gimli was welcomed very warmly and after much talking and feasting his sheer curiosity led his steps through the vast halls. He had not seen them for many years. He searched for the girl in the dungeons, without success. Fortunately, in some respect, he thought. Now he was walking into the direction of the guest chambers, always looking out for a human girl.

"Gimli, son of Gloin!"

He turned around to face Galdin, who approached him with outstretched arms. They embraced each other heartily.

"Your father would be very proud of you. Long ago, he set out on his own quest to reclaim Erebor. Now you have had your own adventure. My heart rejoices in your success and even more so in your safe return. What are you doing here? Your chamber is elsewhere."

Before Gimli could speak his eyes fell on the human girl. She had finished her work for the day and was on her way back to her room.

Ari saw the two dwarves standing in the middle of the corridor and stopped, her eyes lingering hopefully on Galdin.

"Why is a beautiful lady like you walking the many paths of Erebor? Have you got lost?" Gimli asked innocently.

His words brought tears to her eyes. She just bowed her head towards them in respect and hurried to her room.

Gimli looked at Galdin. "Who is she and why is she here? Why did my words cause her tears?"

Galdin had been very close to Gloin and he trusted Gimli as much as he had trusted his father. He walked with Gimli to his private chambers and told him about the girl?s suffering.

"Why don?t you help her?" asked Gimli surprised.

The question did not surprise Galdin. Gimli was just like his father, he had a great heart and a brave soul. "I cannot disappear for hours unnoticed," explained Galdin. "That is the only reason. But I trust you and together we can help her. You can lead her out of Erebor through the old tunnels."

"The exit of those tunnels is exactly where I want her," said Gimli, while stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" asked Galdin confused.

Now it was Gimli's turn to explain a few important matters to him.

Galdin could not believe it. "You have befriended an elf? And he is the Elvenking's son? This is unbelievable!" he exclaimed.

"I am going to meet him tomorrow night at the old river bed near the old bridge. That is near the exit of the tunnels," explained Gimli. "You will arrange for the keys and I will escape with the girl."

Galdin was surprised. "Are you leaving these halls again?"

Gimli shook his head. "No, just for a few hours. After that, I will return the keys to you and we don't know anything. Agreed?"

"Agreed," nodded Galdin.


Legolas had arrived at the old river bed much too early. It was just midday but he had to make sure the surroundings were not being watched. No one should witness his meeting with Gimli, as it would raise suspicion among the dwarves. After carefully observing the area, he found an outlook where he spent the day, sitting and watching over the area.

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