The Wedding

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Another month had passed and Ari's health had improved a lot. She was strong enough to take walks with the king in their private gardens and the smile had returned to her face. Although these walks were very short most of the times, they gave Thranduil a glimpse of hope. She had gained weight and looked healthier, yet it became more apparent that she had aged.

Thranduil was indescribably apprehensive when he saw the handwriting of time on her features. Even Lord Elrond had been bewildered. Yet there was nothing the king could do. Elrond suspected that the illness had had a far greater effect on her body than they had initially perceived. On Thranduil's question if she would continue to age at that pace, he got only one reply.

"Only time will tell. But I do not believe that she will be an old woman in a year's time. I strongly believe that her aging was caused solely by her illness."

Thranduil wished that Elrond's words would be true. What could he do anywise? Nothing. He felt utterly powerless. He was still shocked by his wife's appearance. About a week ago he had allowed his wife to see herself in the mirror. He had formerly ordered for the mirror to be removed from her chambers in fear she might get distressed at the sight of her reflection. They had returned from their daily walk and he had led her to his chambers. Thranduil had guided her to a mirror and had stood behind her, holding his arms tightly around her slender body. Ari had stood absolutely still while she had been observing her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes had met with her husband's and she had seen that tears welled up in his eyes.

Ari had turned around. She had stood on her toes and had begun to kiss away the tears rolling down his cheeks. He had picked her up and had carried her over to his bed. Ari had straddled his lap and had continued to catch each one of his teardrops with her soft lips. They had sat there, locked in each other's arms, until the light of day had faded away. None of them had uttered a single word as their fëa's had both fully perceived each other's deepest thoughts and emotions.


It was two days before the wedding ceremony. Lady Galadriel had arrived at the Elvenking's halls and she was having a lengthy conversation with Elrond and Thranduil.

"In our visions she looked the same. She had not aged," said Galadriel.

Thranduil looked deeply concerned. "But what does this mean? Does this mean that your vision was wrong?"

Elrond remained silent, but Galadriel answered his question. "No. But her future must have changed."

Thranduil looked as if in a state of panic. Nothing was certain anymore. Galadriel pitied him. It was a terrible sight to see him so desperate. "There is nothing you can do right now. You can only wait. She has aged remarkably slowly for more than ninety years. It might continue like that. Maybe Elrond is correct in his assumption that her aging was caused by the illness."

Elrond turned towards the king. "How do you know that she has aged during these ninety years?"

"She was sixteen when she first went to the sea shore. From that time onward, her ageing has slowed down. She said that since that time she has grown taller and her body has acquired a more feminine form. This shows that there has been further growth in her body. Apart from that, Ari says her appearance has changed since she was sixteen."

Galadriel nodded. "I wish to talk to Ari. Where can I find her?"

Thranduil requested Galion to escort Galadriel to his wife who was sitting in their private garden.


Galadriel sat with Ari on a bench, looking at the flowers from Valinor which had returned in larger numbers this year.

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