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A/N: This chapter contains violence.

Upon his return, Legolas was informed by Hurwen about the situation. Hurwen, Legolas with Ladrengilon in his arms, and Gimli hurried down the narrow alley toward Ari's house.
The prince walked into the house and grimaced with dread at the sight of blood on the floor. Looking over to his father, he saw him approach his friend. Thranduil reached Gimli with two large strides and pinned him forcefully against the wall.

"Where is my wife?" he shouted. "What have you done to her?"

Legolas futilely attempted to push his father away. Gimli was infiriated by the king's behavior.

"How am I to know where she is? She is your wife. You should be aware of her whereabouts!"

At the dwarf's words, Thranduil boiled with rage.

Galion tried to reason with the king. "My friend, we are losing precious time. Please try to calm down and let us think clearly," he pleaded.

Thranduil let go of the dwarf and turned towards Galion, his expression fierce. "You are saying that I should calm down," he growled. "Have you lost your mind?"

Galion placed his hands on the king's broad shoulders. "I have never let you down, right? Trust me, my friend."

Thranduil nodded slowly but his expression was filled with doubt.

"The queen went into the house alone and when the guards walked in, she was gone and only some blood was found on the floor," he repeated what they had heard. "The king felt her pain when she was hurt. That was not long ago. By using the backdoor, someone managed to abduct her. This was definitely planned. Whoever did this has been acquainted with her and knew that she might visit her old house. That means that the place where she is hidden must have been properly arranged and will not be easy to be found," he analyzed. "Who would gain something by abducting her?"

Galion looked at everyone present, eager for suggestions.

Thranduil was sure. "The dwarves are responsible," he claimed with utter conviction.

Gimli was disgusted by the king's accusations. "Not that I know of, your Highness," he grumbled. "No dwarf I know of would ever abduct someone else's wife."

Thranduil was going to say something in return, when Galion interrupted him. "Who else could have done this?"

Everyone pondered over his question and the urgency of the situation made everything worse. No one seemed to have a clear head. It was Hurwen who spoke first.

"If she was abducted to be used as hostage for benefit, the king would have probably known it by now," she ventured. "Demands for her safe release would be made soon. If somebody has abducted her for personal reasons, there might be no demands. We should be prepared for both possibilities, and begin to search for her immediately," the maid mused aloud. "We are losing precious time. Let us think of whom she knew in Dale. Who could help us to identify the abductor?"

Thranduil inhaled sharply as his expression darkened. "Her old travel companions. We must find them first."

Galion sent the head of the guard to Nedwig, asking him to summon Ari's travel companions instantly to her house.

Thranduil looked down at Gimli as he warned him. "If this is the doing of your filthy king, he will pay for it dearly."

Gimli gave the king a furious look. "I told you already, that no such things have been planned or organized by dwarves. We may not like each other very much, but my king would not abduct someone else's wife. Even if she were yours. Such a deed would be disgraceful."

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