Of Comfort And Anger

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Galion found Ari in the king's private garden under Legolas' favorite tree. She had pulled her legs against her chest and rested her chin on her knees, as if in a state of utter distraction.

Sitting next to her, Galion wordlessly kept her company. After some time Ari turned to face him.

"What office do you hold in the king's realm?"

"I am the king's counselor." He placed his hand over his heart. "His attendant and his closest friend."

She gave him a fascinated look. "That makes you an important elf."

"Yes, that's true, but it is also a burden of responsibility."

She sighed deeply. "How do you carry such a heavy burden?"

Galion placed his hand on Ari's shoulder to comfort her. "I learned this in time. You will learn to carry your burden of responsibility as well. I can see the doubt in your eyes and fully understand you. But you have the king and me to aid you. It is easier to endure a burden if you share it. That is what we will do. We will share the burden with you. You have Legolas, as well. He has never known a queen in these halls. It will be a new situation for him, too. Changes will take place, but you will see that in time they will become a part of your life. There will be a new life for you here and I am sure that you will cherish every aspect of it."

Ari looked at Galion, her eyes still clouded with doubt. "Never before had I thought that I might become a queen some day. Adjusting to the king's and my, um, relationship has not been easy for me. I fear the responsibility of being a queen. It burdens my heart."

Galion smiled at her. "I understand, but do one thing at a time. You will have a full year to adjust to your new relationship with him. Focus your energy and effort to this task alone. You will see that you will become stronger. You are very close to him. Thranduil is a strong elf. You will get used to everything. I have no doubt about this."

"How long have you been serving in this kingdom?"

Galion smiled, reflecting on his many years of service. " In the beginning I served King Oropher. Prince Thranduil was born when I had already been in the service of his father for nine hundred years."

Ari stared at him in surprise. "Nine hundred years? How long have you served your present king?"

Galion enjoyed her curiosity. "King Thranduil is almost seven thousand years old. I have served him his entire life."

Ari gaped at him, unable to utter a word.

Galion laughed out. "Don't forget to breathe, my lady. If harm should come to you in my presence, my king will never forgive me."

Ari shook her head and took a deep breath. "And how old are you?"

"I'm almost eight thousand and eight hundred years old, my lady."

Ari looked at him thoughtfully. "I must admit that sometimes I feel old. But my lifespan is nothing compared to the lifespan of an elf. I must seem like an infant to you."

"According to human standards, you are an adult," said Galion smilingly. "That is how we see you. Apart from this, elves age differently from humans."

Ari looked at him, her eyes full of curiosity. "Could you tell me about it?"

Galion agreed happily. "Of course, my lady."

Together they sat under the shade of the tree for a long time. Ari's numerous questions proved to be a hard task for Galion. He stayed with her all afternoon, talking all the time and, by evening, he still had not succeeded in satisfying Ari's curiosity entirely.

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