A Disturbing Fact

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Ari got up early the next morning. She felt unusually relaxed and peaceful. When she had bathed and had breakfast, she heard a knock on her door. Ruth had come looking happy and radiant, ready to pick up the wedding present.

"Mila will love it," she said smiling as she eyed the stool. After paying Ari generously for her work, Ruth left the house with her newly acquired wedding gift.

"May the stool last their kisses," said Ari with a mischievous grin on her lips after Ruth had gone.

"And may this morning bring you happiness," a pleasant voice behind her greeted her.

Ari turned abruptly and saw Thranduil standing in her doorway. Behind him were Galion and Menethil, who smiled at her kindly. She blushed as she was sure they had heard her words. It was said that elves had a very keen sense of hearing.

The king looked very different today. More relaxed and peaceful, she thought.

Thranduil entered her workshop without taking his eyes off her. "I've brought Menethil with me so that she can take care of your wound," he explained.

Ari had removed the bandage in the morning before bathing. She had only two thick red scars on her thumb and nothing more than that.

Menethil gasped in surprise when she beheld the condition of Ari's thumb. "It has healed overnight," she said in utter bewilderment.

Ari gave her a huge grin. "It's your elvish medicine. Your king said it's the best."

She looked up, smiling at the king, not understanding what the fuss was all about. His expression was one of pure confusion. He turned his gaze away from her thumb and peered questioningly into her eyes. Ari was in good spirits today.

"What makes your day so bright?" Thranduil inquired, his brow furrowed.

Ari shrugged. "I don't know, but I feel fabulous. I have had a good night's rest and feel so refreshed and peaceful. Besides, I have had the strangest yet wonderful dream."

"And what was it about?" Thranduil asked with sincere interest, his eyes shifting back and forth between her thumb and her face.

"I saw the starry sky. It was as if I was truly lying under it, gazing at the stars the entire night. It was absolutely breathtaking," explained Ari, joyous as she spoke about her dream.

Thranduil's eyes widened in shock on hearing her words. He stared at Ari motionless, startled and deeply worried at the same time. He had not expected this. He was aware that he could see into her inner being, her past, perceive her feelings... After all he was an elf with such powers. But the fact that Ari had been able to see what he had seen, at the same time, while she was dreaming... that was absolutely not what he would have anticipated. That was not what he wanted. It should not be so! He could not allow anyone to have this knowledge, or, as he perceived it, 'power' over him. It made him feel vulnerable. And vulnerable he was never supposed to be. NEVER! Thranduil got furious.

Galion couldn't believe his ears. This young woman had just told them that she had seen in her dream what Thranduil had seen in reality at the same time. This was highly unusual as she was a mere human. No, not only unusual, it was entirely impossible. Never before had he heard of something like that. No human could enter an elf's mind. And never an elf king's mind, in particular. Galion knew they would have to act quickly. Thranduil was vulnerable now. A glance at the king's face confirmed his expectations. He and the king shared the same thoughts. Galion knew already what their next move would be. Thranduil would leave Dale today. And the girl would come along. Whether she wanted or not. But how would the king act? Would he explain the situation to her with caution, or would he force her to go with him? Thranduil's mood turned foul.

Ari was confused. While Thranduil's expression had been friendly and peaceful at first, she now saw rage in his eyes. She hoped he had not been offended by her words, perhaps having thoughtlessly been spoken. Starlight was sacred to elves, she had often heard of this in Gondor. Had she spoken too carelessly about what they treasured so much? She suddenly felt devastated as her being was crushed by waves of wrath emanating from the king's body.

Thranduil straightened his posture and breathed deeply, his eyes still fixed on hers. With great difficulty to remain self-controlled, he forced a false smile upon his lips. He bowed his head slightly toward Ari.

"My heart rejoices in your swift recovery with the aid of our medicine. We bid you farewell - for now."

With these words he turned on his heel and left the building in a rush, followed by Galion and Menethil who hurried after him.

Thranduil approached the two guards outside in the alley. "You will be watching her at every moment! Should you fail, you will lose your heads!"

"Yes, my king," they replied in fear as they took their places outside her house.

"She must not notice your presence," Thranduil hissed at them. "Is that clear?"

The two guards nodded and retreated further down the alley to keep their eyes on the house. Galion was shocked by the twist of events. Especially by the change in the king's mood. Their day had begun completely different.

---- Earlier that morning ----

The first sunlight appeared in the sky, slowly dimming the light of the stars. Thranduil still lay on the grass, his eyes open, his mind fully aware of the change occuring above him. Galion had been sitting on the grass not far from the king, keeping his watchful eyes on their surroundings. Thranduil slowly turned his head and smiled sincerely at Galion.

"Thank you, my dear friend."

Galion responded with only a respectful deep bow. He gave his king a hearty smile.

"I have not felt at so much peace with myself for quite a long time," the king remarked. "Starlight does not only ease our hearts and mind, but it certainly leads our way, too."

"Then, my friend, I assume that you know what to do next," Galion said hopefully.

"Yes, indeed, my friend. I know what I must do," replied Thranduil.

Galion had risen to his feet already, and reached out to grasp the king's hand. Thranduil gladly accepted his help and stood up. He stretched his body and straightened his posture before they slowly walked back towards Dale.

"My king," Galion said halting his steps. "Please, stay still for a moment". He stood behind Thranduil and removed small blades of grass and remnants of moss and leaves from the king's hair and attire.

Thranduil smiled and gave Galion a grateful glance over his broad shoulder. "I am blessed to have you not only as my attendant and advisor, but also as my dear friend."

He took Galion's hand, gave it a strong squeeze and laughed. Galion could barely keep his composure. His king had actually laughed! Galion's gaze moved over to a tree line, anxious to hide the tears that welled up his eyes. Wordless, they walked back to Dale, following the narrow alley up to Ari's home. Menethil was already there, patiently waiting for the arrival of her king. Ruth was leaving Ari's house holding the stool close to her chest with a bright smile on her face.

They entered her workshop.

"May the stool last their kisses," they heard Ari say.

Thranduil and Galion looked at each other questioningly and exchanged amused smiles. They turned their gazes back toward Ari, who was standing in the room facing them with her back.

"And may this morning bring you happiness," Thranduil responded while smiling lovingly at her.

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