Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 2)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Two

Eliza was hard at work fixing Dean's jacket and working on a few outfits. Every so often she would check on Noah. Most of the time he would just be asleep, but every so often she would hear movement from him. She was so focused on what she was doing that she didn't hear Noah get out of his crib. He had moved past the crawling stage and could already walk. She looked over to his crib and noticed that it was empty. She couldn't believe it, how could she not hear or see Noah getting out of his crib? She immediately stopped what she was doing and started looking around. Panic set in as she didn't see him anywhere She started running through the hallways looking for him as tears filled her eyes. How could she let this happen? She felt like a terrible mother. What she didn't know was that someone already found him. The man saw Noah walking down the hall and stopped what he was doing. He wondered why a little baby would be walking around alone. He smiled and started talking to Noah.

"Who is this handsome fellow? Where's your mommy?"

Noah just looked at the man not really knowing what to think. Eliza was still searching the halls and finally spotted Noah. She ran to him and picked him up, wiping the tears from her eyes. She was also terrified now that she noticed who Noah was with. She recognized the man to be Bray Wyatt. He was very intimidating in the ring, the fact that she wasn't really comfortable around men didn't help either. Bray saw that she was upset and tried to calm her down.

"He's ok. I just saw him wandering the hallways. I thought I'd watch over him until I found out who he belonged to. I've seen you around a lot recently on my way to the ring... you work designing and fixing outfits. Your name is Eliza right?... I'm Bray Wyatt."

Bray held out his hand for her to shake. Eliza wasn't sure if she should shake his hand and looked at him nervously.

"I... I know who you are."

Bray laughed slightly at her reaction.

"I see I have you believing my in ring intimidation too. In the ring is one thing, but you can ask anyone... I'm a bit different outside of the ring. Especially when it comes to meeting fans and children. So I'm guessing this little handsome fellow belongs to you. What's his name?"

Bray still smiled at Noah and Noah seemed to smile back. Eliza calmed down now as she realized that Bray meant them no harm. She ran a hand through Noah's hair.

"This is my son Noah, and yes... my name is Eliza."

Bray smiled at them.

"So nice to finally meet you. So what was he doing wandering the hallways on his own?"

Eliza was slightly upset about this and had to do the best she could not to start crying without much success.

"I don't know how it happened... he was asleep in his crib. I was so busy trying to work that I didn't see or hear him get out. This is the first time this has ever happened. I didn't know what happened to him, he could have gotten hurt, someone could have taken him."

As bad timing would have it, Dean was walking through the hallways and spotted Eliza, Noah, and Bray. He saw tears in her eyes and thought Bray was messing with her and stormed over to where they were.

"Hey! Do we have a problem here?! Is he bothering you?"

Bray spoke up.

"No problem at all Ambrose."

Dean stood between Eliza and Bray.

"Bullshit! She's crying. What did you do to her?"

Eliza finally spoke up.

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