Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 26)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Twenty Six

Bray and Eliza showed up to the arena early, Bray helped Eliza set up her work station while she set up Noah a place to play. Eliza started on her work as soon as she could, she could work and talk to Bray before he had to get ready for his match.

"So Bray... I was talking to Becky, she said she would have no problem watching Noah for me so we could spend some time together."

"Noah doesn't bother me, but it would be nice to spend some time alone with you."

"I still can't believe you let me move in with you. I can't thank you enough Bray. You really didn't have to do that."

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Especially after I found out that you and Noah were living in a dangerous neighborhood. How could you stay there? You told me what happened and that every time you came back there, you were reminded of it."

"I can't always afford a hotel room. It was either stay there, or stay in my car. I could have stayed in my car if it was just me, but now that I have Noah, he needs a warm place and a bed to sleep in at night. I had to do it for Noah."

"You sacrifice so much for Noah. He's really lucky to have you as his mom."

Eliza smiled at him and was quiet for a moment.

"So... Becky did say she could watch Noah for me. When do you think we can spend some time together?"

"If she's available tomorrow, how about tomorrow?"

"Ok. I'll ask her when I see her later."

"As much as I would love to stay here with you all night, I have to go get ready for my match."

"Ok. If I'm not too busy, I'll be watching."

They gave each other a quick kiss goodbye and Bray went to the locker room. What they didn't know was that they were being watched. Dean couldn't stand seeing them together. He saw the way Eliza smiled at Bray and how happy they seemed together. He didn't understand why Eliza would be with a guy like Bray. Maybe Eliza didn't know what Bray did, but Dean overheard Bray talking with The Wyatt Family long before he even knew Eliza. He knew something about Bray that he shouldn't, and if Eliza knew, surely she wouldn't want to be with Bray anymore. He wanted to tell Eliza what he knew now that Bray was gone, but she would just think that he was lying and that he was jealous. He was jealous, but he wanted to tell her what he knew. Right when he thought he would get a chance to be alone with her, Becky showed up. He stormed off and realized that he would have to tell her another day.

Eliza talked with Becky and Becky didn't have any plans for the next day so she would watch Noah. Once Bray came back from his match, Eliza let him know that Becky would watch Noah. Bray didn't have a problem with Becky, she was Eliza's best friend so he would have no problem having Becky come over to his house. Since Raw was about an hour from his house, they drove back to his house. They were all tired from traveling. Eliza still hadn't seen much of Bray's house, but she would have the next day for that. Eliza woke up early the next morning, Noah was still asleep, and she was sure Bray was too. She quietly left the room making sure that she didn't wake up Noah. She walked down the hallway. She remembered where Bray's room was, the bathroom, and the kitchen. She walked past Bray's room and noticed that his bedroom door was slightly open. She probably didn't have to worry too much about Noah now that they were in Bray's house. She knocked quietly on Bray's door and slowly peeked inside.


There was no answer and she realized that he wasn't in his room. She walked down the hall. The bathroom door was open and there was no one in the kitchen, or even the living room. Now she had finally been everywhere in his house and wondered if maybe he left. She looked outside and noticed that his car was still in the driveway. She started wondering where he could be, or if maybe he took off somewhere on foot without telling her. She then heard a noise nearby and noticed that there was a garage. She carefully made her way to the garage. She finally spotted Bray, she was being really quiet and was curious as to why Bray would be up so early and why he was in the garage. His house was definitely cleaner than his garage. This must have been where he kept all his junk. She noticed that Bray seemed frustrated and that he was punching the wall. She became concerned when she saw blood on his hands. She originally wanted to be quiet, but finally made her presence known.

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