Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 24)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Twenty Four

Eliza woke up early to Noah the next day. She was really excited about spending the day with him.

"Momma wake up..."

Eliza smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning. Let's eat some breakfast, then we'll go have some fun."

Eliza got up and made them some bacon and eggs. Eliza still felt bad because she didn't get Noah's cereal, but she would get it for him the next time they went shopping. That wasn't the only thing she wasn't able to get, she needed to save up her money so she could buy gas so they could make it to the next town. Eliza hated staying in the trailer, not only does it hold bad memories for her, but she also thought that Noah deserved better. She only had to stay here when she couldn't afford to stay at a hotel. She really hoped that one day things would be different. WWE had really helped her a lot. If she hadn't got a job with WWE, she would have lost Noah for sure. There was still a bit of fear in the back of her mind, she could still lose Noah because the judge wasn't completely sure that she could take care of Noah. She didn't know who, but someone would be watching over her to see if she could take care of Noah. One thing she didn't have to worry about was losing Noah to Dillion. There was so much on her mind, but she was interrupted when she heard her phone go off. She looked at her phone and saw that she had a text message from Bray. She smiled as she read it.

"Don't be worrying about anything today. You and Noah have fun. I look forward to seeing both of you tomorrow." -Bray

Eliza smiled as she typed back a reply.

"Thanks Bray. I think Noah and I will have a lot of fun today. We'll see you tomorrow."-Eliza

Once Eliza and Noah finished eating, they got dressed and Eliza grabbed Noah and made their way to her car.

"Momma... where going?"

"It's a surprise Noah. I can't tell you. You'll find out when we get there."

Noah didn't know what to say, so he decided to play with his cars and look out the window. Noah smiled when he realized where they were.


Eliza smiled hearing how happy he was.

"Yeah... we're at the park. We can go play on the slides and swings."

Eliza wished she could take him to see a movie or do something else fun, but Noah didn't seem to mind. He probably didn't know or care about their financial situation, all he wanted was to spend time with her and have fun. Eliza watched him, he seemed to have plenty of fun going down the slides.

"Slide with me Momma."

Eliza smiled and climbed up after him and went down the slide with him. Eliza always liked the swings growing up.

"Hey Noah... do you want to go on the swings?"

"Yes. Swings."

There were swings that babies and toddlers could go on that strapped them in, then there were swings for older kids. Eliza was going to put him in the swing that strapped him in for safety reasons, but Noah wanted to swing like the older kids.

"No Momma big swing. Noah big."

Eliza didn't like the idea of him not being strapped in, but he would have to sooner or later. She smiled as she had an idea.

"Ok... come here Noah. We'll swing on the big swing together."

Eliza sat down on the swing. She picked Noah up and sat him on her lap. She held him with one hand, and held onto the chain part of the swing with her hand.

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